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Blog Category: Science & Technology

How Activism Against the Drug War is Changing the U.S. The Federal government has waged a losing battle against narcotics for almost one hundred years.  In the process of this “war” the U.S. government has spent countless billions of dollars, arrested hundreds of thousands of citizens for victimless crimes and turned other wise law abiding

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Accuracy in Global Positioning Systems

New Innovations Improve Accuracy in Global Positioning Systems. Many Folks do Not Realize How Much Privacy Has Vanished in Police-State USA. There is a major flaw in the accuracy in global positioning systems. The military groups who developed them in the U.S. and in Russia have maintained the capability to jam the signals and distort

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Access to Pharmaceuticals of Brand Name Versus Generic Drugs. People Seek Alternatives to the Rising Cost of Name Brand Drugs Pushed on Them by the Crooked FDA & AMA. Americans’ access to pharmaceuticals that are affordable for everyone is an issue which has long been going on in the United States. Due to the way

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Access High Internet Satellite Speed

Access High Internet Satellite Speed: The Best Internet Connection is reserved for The Rich Elite. The access high internet satellite speed debacle has taken the world by storm, though if you don’t live in Africa or the Middle East you may not have noticed it.  It is pivotal in today’s day and age to have

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The Abraham Lincoln Autopsy Did Not Answer all of the Questions People Had About the Former President

The Abraham Lincoln Autopsy Left Many Unanswered Questions. When the Abraham Lincoln autopsy was conducted, the country was not ready for the assassination of a President, and the doctors that performed the autopsy did not know what to look for or how to act.  They were only concerned with the cause of his death and

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The Abraham Lincoln Autopsy

The Abraham Lincoln Autopsy Revealed Little. Examine Similarities Between the Assassinations of Two Famous Leaders; JFK and Abe Were Both Victims of Elitist Conspirators. An Abraham Lincoln autopsy that dissects his history, which has been hidden by the ruling class, finds the life of a white supremacist, who owned slaves himself. Although Lincoln is generally

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