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Blog Category: Secret Societies

During The Privatization Process The People Lose Control. Privatization is essentially when a government institution auctions off its assets and services to private companies who can then begin to run them independently. Sometimes the privatization process involves contracts to lease government assets for only a limited time, other times the assets are sold to a

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The Original Big Brother Came Much Earlier Than The Reality Show. George Orwell Described a Police State Society Which Bears Frightening Similarity to the USA Today. The original Big Brother reality television show premiered on the CBS network during the summer of 2000. Since the initial program, reality television programs have flooded the airwaves, distracting

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The Manipulation of Human Behavior Contributes to the Wealth and Power of the Elite. Some people have figured out how to take more than they need and others haven’t fathomed how to get what they need. This idea is based on need, not want. Everyone needs a certain amount of material goods, wealth, and power

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The Man Behind the Microchip. The man behind the microchip is actually a misleading phrase, since most science histories show that there were at least two primary inventors, Jack Kilby and Robert Noyce, along with a number of other contributors. In the 1950s, Noyce and Kilby were working for major corporate laboratories, including RAND and

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The New American Fascism Stands to be the End of our This Nation. The new American Fascism stands to be the end of the reign of the United States as the most powerful nation in the free world. Pretty big statement to make and one most would not even entertain the notion for a moment;

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The Implications of the North American Union RFID Chip. The North American Union RFID chip could mean the demise of the United States as most people know it. The idea of joining together the three nations of the United States, Canada, and Mexico seems outrageous to most who have heard of it and most cannot

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