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Blog Category: Telecommunications

Big Brother Takes Computer Surveillance Software a Little Too Far. How do you really feel about computer surveillance software? Do you even know how far the government has gone to violate your basic right of privacy and security? In the name of protecting your “rights” and your “security” and your ‘freedoms’ the government has reached

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The Cobra GPS100 Global Positioning System is Being Used To Normalize Being Tracked By The Government. The GPS movement is alive and well with the release of the Cobra gps100 Global Positioning System. This is a hand held device, meant to assist hunters and other sportsmen, promising to keep them from getting lost. For fishermen,

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What Effects Did The Class Action Suit Against WorldCom Have? If you were around in the past few years, then the odds are pretty high that you have heard something about the WorldCom accounting scandal. This scandal rocked the financial market and helped shape what we are dealing with today. Fortunately, there were many stockholders

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Censorship Before the 20th Century Rears its Ugly Head Even Today In Modern Society. Censorship before the 20th century in the United States began with the constitution, which forbid the enactment of laws that could regulate speech or the press and ensure one was not punished for speaking how they felt. While there had been

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Censorship is Stupid Since it Flies in the Face of the Freedom. Censorship is stupid since it flies in the face of the constitution. Censorship is defined as the suppression of anything that may be deemed as objectionable. Many of the greatest inventions and thoughts in the world came about due to intense discussion and

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Cell Phone Spy Surveillance Equipment Allows the Government to Watch and Listen to Us Far More Than We Realize or Want. The Police State is Here. With the current cell phone spy surveillance equipment, gains in technology are opening doors for the government to watch your every move. The government can now tap into a

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