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Blog Category: Uncategorized

A Theology of Liberation

A Theology of Liberation Used to Cover up Crimes Our nation is based on a theology of liberation as the earliest colonists from the Old World came here seeking religious freedom.  This desire to be allowed to worship and live as one wanted transmuted itself into a strong desire for political and economic freedom as

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The 1913 Federal Reserve Act Hijacking

The 1913 Federal Reserve Act Sold the United States Out From Under the People and Into the Hands of the Banking Elite and Their New World Order. The 1913 Federal Reserve Act would change the way of American banking forever. Prior to 1863, banking in the United States was certainly not dependable nor was it

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America's Outrage Culture: How Did We Get Here?

If you haven’t noticed American society is becoming rather unhinged.  The outrage culture in America has reached a boiling point.  When adults can’t even have a conversation without shouting down the opposition or name calling we have a serious problem.  Look at how kids bully each other these days?  They are mimicking the learned behaviors

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New Research Says Depression is Not a Choice, It's a Form of Brain Damage

A study conducted by the ENIGMA MDD Working group has broken many notions of how depression affects the brain. It has been believed for a number of years that brain damage caused or worsened chances of chronic depression. This study provided impressive data that shows that persistent depression causes physiological damage to the brain. This gives everyone

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Another ‘"Conspiracy Theory"’ Turned Into Fact: The Congressional Hearing on Weather Manipulation

Geoengineering (weather modification) is hitting the mainstream hard as a potential response to climate change. Congressional hearing and more are all taking place, but there is evidence to suggest that spraying has already been happening. All of the evidence showing it’s been happening for a long time. Are they really spraying to combat climate change,

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Claims of Tortured Children at Virginia Immigration Center

Immigrant children at Virginia have been tortured by officials who work in the Shenandoah Valley Juvenile Center according to a federal lawsuit.  A preliminary investigation by state investigators, however, somehow found no abuse or neglect, as stated in a copy of the findings issued Monday by the Virginia Department of Juvenile Justice obtained by The Associated Press. “State

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