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Blog Category: World

A Vatican New World Order Role is Defined Here. The Mighty Catholic Church Appears as a Holy Organization but in Truth it is Deep Into NWO Power and Control Agendas. The Vatican New World Order role could not help but be significant, as the Vatican is the supreme worldwide religious order known to all, and

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Zionism and Israel Are Often Taken for Synonyms, but They Have Many Differing Philosophies. The New World Order Elite Use Them Both to Further Their Agenda. The words Zionism and Israel are only sometimes one and the same. One difference is that one refers to the creation of the other, though both can be mutually

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US Calls to Stop Genocide in China While Trampling Sovereign States in the West. US Govt’ Hypocrisy Shines as it Wags a Finger of Blame Towards China While Building NWO Here. Cultural genocide in China is being carried out on a perpetual basis. One of the ways that this is happening is through a strict

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English Revolution and Capitalism May Seem Like an Unlikely Cause and Effect, But the Truth is These Two Concepts Are Inextricably Linked. English revolution and capitalism are ideas the elite embrace and  perpetuate because they believe capitalism forced through revolution will unite the world. The elite are hoping to create a world in which capitalism

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We Must Triumph Over Tyranny Today and Free Ourselves From the Monster of Fascism That is Consuming the World! People Can Unite and Stand up to Elites Once & for All. Americans must triumph over tyranny. The word tyranny comes from the Latin word tyrannus which means “illegitimate ruler.” With most Americans believing they live in a

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International Relations and the Peace People Want, Would be Bad for Business for Global Elites Who Profit From War, Destruction and Chaos to Build NWO. International relations have always been a sticky point for the United States to manage. In the early days of the nation we did not have a lot of strength and

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