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Blog Category: World

Political Corruption Around The World is Most Common During Elections. Political corruption around the world occurs at the highest levels of government as elections in various nations are controversial and sometimes just for show and in other areas officials abuse their power to allow themselves more power. The 2008 Presidential election in Russia showed just

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The Powerful Secret Societies Have Some of the Most Powerful and Dangerous Men as Members.  Powerful secret societies have been a part of the world throughout time, and they have been warned against since the days of the Bible, when secrecy was warned against and it was stated anything that could be said in private

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The Presidency of the European Union is Not What Americans Commonly View as a Presidency. The European Union is governed by a council made up of the governments of the countries which hold membership. The presidency of the European Union is the operation of this council, and this rotates between the member countries twice a

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Private Security Companies in Africa Have Been a Part of the National Scene Since the 1970s. Private security forces have been in use for many, many years.  The British hired German soldiers during the American Revolution; the Pinkerton Detective agency was used in order to provide security for trains through hostile territory and later on

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Practicing Overpopulation Control Has Proven to Have Disastrous Effects on Countries. Eugenics is Racism in Disguise. The elite would have you believe the only way in which you can save the world is to get every country to practice some sort of overpopulation control. They have been working for years under the pseudoscience of eugenics

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Overpopulation Truth: How to Find It.  When considering overpopulation truth, there are some who will insist on tossing the blame all the way back to the early men, or at least back a few centuries to the establishment of large cities. Others looking for the truth on this issue focus more on what the real

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