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Catholicism and Fascism Work Together Well

The Catholicism and Fascism Conundrum Shows How Absolute Power Takes Many Forms. The Church Has Been Used for Centuries to Consolidate Influence.

This is not meant to be an attack on a specific religion, but Catholicism and fascism are linked.

Although there are those who serve our actual God, many simply use His name to further their goals. These folks cannot be trusted.

With Christianity being foremost in the U.S., it is a natural focus for a discussion of this type. As always, power begets more power.

Catholicism, for a long time, has been Europe’s most prolific religion, and it is often the focus of religious criticism today.

For that reason, a line is often drawn between Catholicism and fascism, tyranny, and other political woes.

This despite the fact that Catholicism is only one part of a religious whole we call Christianity, and that is only one part of the whole Judeo-Christian-Muslim religions, which are heavily inter-related.

Regardless, Christianity (especially Catholicism) has been the excuse used or given to justify many countless atrocities through modern human history.

Like any theological precept, the teachings behind Christianity and the scriptures used to study it can be interpreted by man to mean different things if he so desires.

The Catholic Church itself, namely the Roman Catholic religion, is often the target for these comparisons due to the Church’s relatively old age, long history and bent for bureaucracy.

While many in the Christian churches work hard to alleviate the miseries of millions worldwide, others seem bent on using Christian doctrine as an excuse to inflict it instead.

In fact, most European bringers of tyranny have called upon the Christian religion as their championship, whether the religion wanted it or not.

Many famous and infamous tyrants have done so, including Adolf Hitler, George W. Bush and even Joseph Stalin.

Why Catholicism and Fascism Seem so Intertwined

The largest reason, of course, is the sheer size of the Catholic influence in European cultures, including the Americas.

For most of our modern history, without the support (or seeming support) of the religion, no power monger could hope to achieve any power at all.

The other reason is the deep parallels between much of what is perceived as the Christian religion’s backbone and the fascist ideal.

There are many similarities between what a fascist tyrant will propose for the people and what the Christian faith offers them through Old Testament teachings. Often, this works closely with the tyrant’s plans.

Finally, the removal of the Catholic Church from much of the world’s political process after enlightenment has meant a strong desire for the Church’s leadership to at least appear politically neutral.

Sometimes this appears to play against them as the neutrality is used as implicit approval for whatever ugly political maneuvers are being made.

The Stripping of Liberty in the Name of Catholicism and Fascism

During World War II, the situation in Croatia is a good example of how religion and tyranny can work together.

During the war, over 700,000 people were slaughtered in Croatia, many under the management of Catholic priests who oversaw the genocides, all because they were not Catholics.

In the mid-1990s, when the Croatian-Bosnian-Yugoslavian conflicts raged, President Clinton ordered troops, in the guise of NATO, to Bosnia.

In 1999, a huge aerial bombardment of Yugoslavia by American forces nearly crippled the nation, opening it up for more genocide by their Catholic neighbors.

George W. Bush was fond of mentioning his Christian beliefs as he too ordered thousands of American troops into engagements overseas.

He proclaimed a Crusade against Muslims in the Middle East as he called for the slaughter of countless Arabs. All for the extremely tenuous link they might have had to 9/11 events.

Why Religion must Stay Out of Politics: The Catholicism and Fascism Connections

No matter your religious convictions, it’s well understood in the United States that mixing politics with religions is begging for tyranny.

The Founding Fathers were well aware how state-mandated (or recognized) religions could quickly gain full ownership of the political process in the nation.

Anyone familiar with English history knows that the Britons saw this happen regularly and that this was the ultimate reason the Church of England came into being.

Politics and religion do not mix well and are quick to create tyrants rather than statesmen.

Even those who do not oppose our forays into the Arab world must acknowledge this.

This is the primary reason that the Founding Fathers were careful to not directly state religious views beyond the generic calls to God in their speeches, written words, etc. in an official capacity.

The connection between religion and tyranny was well understood.

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