Chemicals And Pharmaceuticals Drug Us
Examine Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals Companies for the Increasing Power They Wield. The Banking Elite Are Pushing Drugs on the Masses for Their NWO.
The manufacturers of chemicals and pharmaceuticals today are drugging America. The love of money, it has been said, is the root of all evil. This is true.
There is no denying the fact that with affluence and prestige comes the inclination to ignore society’s morals. These same money hungry individuals then easily embrace a life of decadence and extreme indulgences. Money is addictive.
Like every drug, the danger not only lies in the associated effects of using it, but in the mania found with its pursuit and sustenance thereof.
The deeper you associate yourself with money, the more likely you are to engage in corrupt practices. And so it is unsurprising to find out that the leading financiers of the world are selfish, coldhearted monsters beneath their smiling façades.
It is also unsurprising that these same financial elite are prepared to manipulate sensitive and dangerous chemicals and pharmaceuticals firms to their own ends. Bankers did not just suddenly develop their selfish and greedy streak.
As early as the 15th century Shakespeare wrote a book about a shylock money lender who was willing to accept a pound of human flesh in exchange for an owed financial obligation.
Over the years history has witnessed the inhumane actions of banks worldwide. When the third Reich masters of the Second World War pulled out teeth from executed victims, banks simply washed the blood of the dismembered teeth, stored the golden proceeds and handed the German masters a receipt and account number.
The sad state of the world is that the elite bankers who control it really don’t care about us. The financial houses they own are willing to finance anything, regardless of its amoral intent or the ideologies behind the bidding company.
Like alien visitors to earth, the banking elite are happy to open doors to proven monsters like Uganda’s genocidal dictator Idi Amin. In fact, history shows that banks are less likely to award or support projects from moral religious bodies (like a local church) than they are to maleficent corporations.
This is one of society’s true ills; the fact that society’s wealth is being actively handed over to projects that will destroy society. But destroying society as we know it is part of the plan being put forth by these elite bankers.
Sometimes known as the Illuminati, they have been working toward a New World Order for centuries. They knew they needed to control the heart of any country, its money, before they could hope to control the people.
By owning the central banks, the Federal Reserve included, and by incorporating the use of the fractional reserve banking system, they have been able to create trillions of dollars from nothing and currently control all major corporations and political figures in the world.
No small accomplishment and their reward for centuries of diligence.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wx1tNdSQUrA&feature=emb_logoChemicals and Pharmaceuticals
Chemicals and pharmaceuticals have played a major part in the slow degradation of the world. Chemical wastes an after effect of their production methods, have proven dangerous to the terrestrial world.
Most chemical side residues are extremely dangerous to humans and the environment. Despite all these negative effects banks still continue to sponsor them. Chemical and pharmaceutical companies provide massive amounts of revenue.
A company like DOW that produces deadly chemical weapons still receives backing from financial institutions of the world.
Emergence of a One State Government
The emergence and collective acceptance of the Euro highlighted one important fact: a unifying government is conceived and enforced with a common currency.
During the Roman Empire, individual states where identified as roman territory by their financial obligation to the government.
With their position in nations around the world, and the increasing dexterity of financial traffic across continents, the emergence of the New World Order with a one world government is now less a debate of probability and merely a statically matter of time.
Time currently dictated and controlled by today’s elite banks and the governments they control.
Banks and the Bilderberg Group
A group exists of some of the world’s most influential members including economic experts, banking lords, and giant backers of chemicals and pharmaceuticals companies.
This group has no written (published) report or announced agenda. Every year an annual meeting is held amongst this organization that refers to itself as the Bilderberg Group.
Today the exact details of the Bilderberg Group are withheld from the public and the meetings are protected with the highest levels of secrecy. Despite repeated denials the truth is easily glimpsed.
But the Bilderberg Group is insignificant without the contribution of the elite bankers. The policies decided on during the Bilderberg meetings are executed through the various banks in the world.
Funds are provided for projects which the Bilderberg group recommends.
The elite bankers sponsor companies which are profit oriented, such as chemicals and pharmaceuticals firms, and which will further their New World Order agenda.
They manipulate sales to generate more funds. No thought or concern is paid to the normal everyday civilian. The world is controlled by a financial mafia empire that is not concerned about the average welfare of citizens.
Banks are out to bleed the world dry and then sell the remaining carcass to the highest bidder.