Circumventing Federal Reserve
Circumventing Federal Reserve Corruption: Part 4 of Our Jonathan May Story. A Government Allowing the Federal Reserve to Exist Does Not Put People First.
An attempt at circumventing Federal Reserve corruption: Here you’ll see part 4 of Jonathan May’s story in which he sets up his business.
This is a fascinating story of one man’s fight against corruption.
Part 1 can be found at Jonathan May, Bankers’Foe.
”An ultra-conservative system of checks and balances was instituted by the Directorate Members of The International Equity Trust under the chairmanship and C.E.O. authority of the undersigned.
”Further applying the Equal Rights Doctrine of the United States to our private placement policy, I and my colleagues determined that in order to properly reflect the value of the gold and silver we had acquired, it was necessary to establish a minimum possible value and use it as our represented maximum benchmark.
”This way, there could never be any question of misrepresentation instituted against us.
”In order to further insulate ourselves from any such charge, we determined that our ”paper” was to present itself only upon a private placement basis throughout its ‘life’ in the secondary markets.
”Both safety features were built into our private placement issue of paper as irrevocable and unconditional prerequisites of its issue.”
Circumventing Federal Reserve: Issuance Rules Set Up
”The International Equity Trust, in its capacity as plenipotentiarial fiduciary trustee for The Sodalitas Trust Group (the administrative in-house members of The SovereignCharter Trust Group) was and is the only authorized issuer of the group’s Private Placement Prime Capital Notes.
“Such issue may not occur in any circumstance, save and except that the seven asset-owning trusts into whose custodial possession the group assets are placed all independently agree, each through their sole guardian/signator(s), that such Issuance is appropriate and acceptable.
“Such independently-arrived-at and mandatorily unanimous agreement to so issue must be confirmed in writing by each of the seven trusts’ sole guardian/signator(s) of record and issued to The International Equity Trust in Official Memorandum format before such private placement paper may be issued.
“The circumstance of issuance was so made properly accountable.”
Circumventing Federal Reserve: Face Value Rules Set Up
“The face value of the paper was likewise properly and strictly controlled.
“The Sovereign Charter Trust Group’s asset base – initially the aforesaid gold and silver deposits and subsequently also real property comprising over 517,000 acres (surface and minerals) would and shall never, under the terms of the unseverable policy of The Sovereign Charter Trust Group’s senior administrative decision-making body, The Governing Chapter, be encumbered by debt beyond a one quarter volume.
“That means that for each certified $100 of the asset base no more than $25 of face-value private placement paper may be in existence.
“The reasoning behind this very conservative policy was and is that the ultimate credit facility which was being prepared for in the early ’80’s with this issuance of paper and the accumulation of assets, was never to find itself over-extended.
“An unquestioned and unquestionable safety feature ever present within each facet of the new facility was that none of its component parts would ever be in a position of insolvency.”
Circumventing Federal Reserve: The Documentary Instruments
“For administrative purposes, three differently captioned documentary instruments were used. Each was a Private Placement Promissory Note.
“Each constituted a Zero Coupon instrument, i.e. a promise to pay a final due-date figure in the future comprised of both the principal sum and the interest thereon accrued.
“All three instruments were referred to as Prime Capital Notes, but one was also called a Bill of Exchange, one a Notice of Acceptance, and one, as far as I can remember, an Indenture.
“Bills of Exchange were used when the recipient’s business need was simply to increase their asset base now in exchange for equity in such business in perpetuity.
“Notices of Acceptance were used in situations where the recipient’s business need was both to increase their asset base and to become affiliated with a member within The Sovereign Charter Trust Group by placing such business and/or its owners within the framework of one of the group’s trusts.
“Indentures were used exclusively on an in-house basis among the various members, associates, and affiliates of the Sodalitas Trust Group.”
Circumventing Federal Reserve: Paper Grades
“The formula determined upon by The Directorate Body of Trustees was as follows:
“Asset Base 100 – Paper Liability Maximum Aggregate @25 = AAA
“Asset Base 100 – Paper Liability Maximum Aggregate @33 = AA
“Asset Base 100 – Paper Liability Maximum Aggregate @50 = A
“Asset Base 100 – Paper Liability Maximum Aggregate @66 = D.
“The private rating of our associate and affiliate business entities began at the beginning of 1986.
“Our own group’s paper was mandated by Group Policy as determined by the Governing Chapter never to exceed an exposure factor of 25% of the group’s in-house assets, i.e. the assets owned by the Sodalitas Trust Group’s seven Primary Members, and was accordingly qualified by our International Finance Counsel Ltd. as a Private Placement AAA rated Promissory Note.”
Circumventing Federal Reserve: Gold Reserves
“In 1984, one portion of our gold reserves was exchanged in an Asset Barter-Exchange Agreement with the sole surviving owner of over 517,000 acres of real property (surface and mineral).
“The Group’s acquisition of such property was made unseverable under the provisions of Article I – Section 10, Clause i of The U.S. Constitution.
“After such acquisition, the net worth of the Sodalitas Trust Group by and through said seven Primary Grade I Member trusts was estimated as follows:
“(Note: Some further eleven sections of the same gold-bearing property was being disputed at the time and therefore not counted, although a defendable title thereto was and is held.)
“1. Nine (9) Sections (square miles) x 640 acres x 4840 square yards per acre x 53 yards (the 160-foot depth) =1,477,555,200 cubic yards.
“2. 1,477,555,200 cubic yards x 1/2 ounce = 738,777,600 ounces of gold in the 9 square miles.
“3. 738,777,600 ounces – 6,000,000 assigned in exchange for the 517,000 acres = 732,777,600 ounces of gold.
“4. 732,777,600 @ – say – $250 per ounce = $183,194,400,000. 517,000 acres @ – say – $500 per acre = $ 258,500,000.”1,100,000 High Grade low sulphur coalat – say – $10 per… = $ 11,000,000,000. (Oil, gas, and timber reserves not reckoned) – $194,452,900,000.
”By June 18, 1986, liabilities outstanding, inclusive of Notes c/s at$12-$13Billion, was approximately… $14,375,000,000 – $180,077,900,000.
”On this basis I made representations to parties before June 18, 1986 that The International Equity Trust controlled assets ”in excess of $152 Billion. It did, and it still does”.“The above is a true account of one man’s attempt to circumvent Federal Reserve abuses.
“This report concerns those assets’ ability to properly reinstate the power and authority of Congress to govern without deference to those to whom it presently owes the National Debt and its life.”