Colorado Child Protective Services Dangers
Colorado Child Protective Services Takes Record Number of Children.
Colorado Child Protective Services has taken a greater percentage of children from their parents than any other state in the US-more than twice that of California and five times the rate of Louisiana.
At the same time, case records indicate that abuse of children occurs in one of every four foster homes, either by foster parents or by other foster children in the home.
The toughest challenge is the large sums of money awarded to CPS when a child is taken from the parents, whether warranted or not.
At the same time, the foster parent system pays adults to take these disenfranchised children, thereby making a system that is supposed to protect children, one that is based on monetary gain.
In fact, Colorado Child Protective Services treats your children as state property, often ignoring parental rights altogether.
Children are routinely taken from their homes without a court order and with no warrant, but by the order of the people who profit by taking them.
In any other time and place that would be called kidnapping for profit.
Children Don’t Belong to Government
The government, who goes to war for profit-sending thousands of children to die in the name of patriotism-is categorically unfit to decide on the fitness of parents to raise their own children.
Colorado Child Protective Services is plunging the people of Colorado into the social dark ages with its record of child stealing.
Government intervention in the name of child safety is completely unsound, as the government is clearly an institution in the service of the banking mafia, who own all major broadcasting and news media services, as well as having a hidden hand in the government, big business and the banking industry.
It is needless to say, their only concern is for personal profit.
The Worst Choice
The Colorado Child Protective Services is a poor choice if a choice is available. There are always choices. One just has to recognize them.
In a country filled with horrific stories of child abuse through the hands of CPS, Colorado has set new lows.
In spite of what they say, the government has no right to your children and the fact that so many have buckled under this regime is an indication of just how deep social brainwashing has gone.
Less than a hundred years ago a person walking into a home to steal a child, whether by government of otherwise, would have been understandably shot on sight.
These aren’t Government (Hitler’s) Youth
Unless they are looking for future troops or corporate slaves, the government has not interest in your children.
Remember, that same government is controlled by the criminal banking mafia who put presidents in office and many of the highest government officials, and who pull the puppet strings as the build a New World Order that requires an enslaved humanity.
Many of the children that are being taken by CPS are put on dangerous, mind altering drugs like Ritalin and Zolof.
These drug-induced children are the future citizens.
It is time to wake up to the evil being perpetrated on the children and families of our society.
The well being of these children are our responsibility, it is a mistake to trust it to anyone else.