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Compliant Parents Keep Cycle of Producing Corporate Slaves Ongoing

Compliant Parents Keep Cycle of Producing Corporate Slaves Ongoing

Even more shocking is that the facilitators and with that the causal factors of this massive emotional and physical child abuse are the presumed guardian angels of the child; the parents. In this time of information they willfully ignore the fact that their child is showing symptoms that are absolutely normal reactions from the exposure to the multi-directional assaults on their minds.

Following absurd and fake disorder labels like ADHD and ADD, the ignorant “mental specialists” recently invented another pseudo diagnose called ODD (Oppositional Defiant Disorder). In other words anyone who still has the natural, and thus normal, inherent reflex of opposing any form of evil.

Let it be crystal clear; the real patients here with a disorder are not the children but the ones making the fake diagnoses and are doing the toxic prescription jobs. These agents of death are nothing less than order followers because they as well have a neo-cortex that is in an imbalanced, or total shut down mode. Otherwise, they would apply their knowledge and conscience and refuse to commit these immoral actions.

What we are witnessing here is a relentless mind control assault on a precious and highly gifted generation that is being neutralized in the global war on humanity and consciousness.

That might sound charged and cause some unpleasant emotions, but it still is the Truth. The armies of pseudo psychologists, scientists, and youth workers that are labeling and poisoning the tsunami of children with psychological “problems” have been mind controlled into a severe brain imbalanced and fragmented mental state themselves as a result of their own common core style dumbing down programming.

It might sound strange to unaware parents or left brained “specialists” but living in a microwaved, immoral, toxic, torture society or in short, HELL, can cause some side effects. These are NORMAL and need not be treated but used for the understanding process of the causal factors.

Any parent, who still continues to offer their children to these mind destruction factories without any significant resistance, is willfully facilitating the destruction of the authentic true Self and mind of his/her child. The compulsory “education” system is nothing less than a worldwide network of concentration campuses for mind destruction. The extent of the mind destruction of our youth is also reflected in increased rates of mental illness, suicide, violent crime, and further child abuse.

Compliant Parents Keep Cycle of Producing Corporate Slaves Ongoing

Suicide in the Netherlands amongst youngsters between the age of 18 till 25 is the number one cause of death. Not a word about the effects of the education system of course. But again, it is the parents who willfully dump the pure beings of consciousness in these conveyer belt zombie factories, despite the overwhelming evidence that is in the open today for anyone who CARES, of what exactly the current education system is, where it comes from, who created it and for what reasons and most important; what the dramatic effect on the children is.

Children absorb huge amounts of television programming and/or computer gaming, consume poisonous genetically modified foods, are obsessed with escapist pursuits, conduct only vapid, inane conversations, and express an extreme lack of concern or interest in real-world issues.

Child Abuse in The Classroom

John Taylor Gatto is a well known former school teacher who taught in the classroom for nearly 30 years. He devoted much of his energy to his teaching career, then, following his resignation, authored several books on modern education, criticizing its ideology, history, and devastating consequences. He is best known for the underground classic Dumbing Us Down: the Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling. He was named New York City Teacher of the Year in 1989, 1990, and 1991, and New York State Teacher of the Year in 1991.

He states in an article under the title “The Public School Nightmare, that ALL compulsory education systems are copied from the Prussian 19th century system with the objective to produce:

1) Obedient soldiers to the army;

2) Obedient workers to the mines;

3) Well subordinated civil servants to government;

4) Well subordinated clerks to industry;

5) Citizens who thought alike about major issues.

The ongoing fear-based obedience and belief in authority of the parents globally have produced the rise of “new” human beings that were largely “raised” by the state-run trauma-based mind control education factories, television/computer, and “pop” culture. They have been conditioned by these systems to behave in ways that are complacent, immoral, compliant, unquestioning, unthinking, and narcissistic.

Might it be possible that the millions of drugged and zombified sensitive and gifted ADHD/ADD and ODD labeled children are in fact an army of potential rebels for morality and real freedom, and who can still act from conscience and  have the willpower to help save humanity from yet another downfall?


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