Computers and Airport Security Have Experienced a Great Deal of Changes
Computers and Airport Security Are Invading Your Privacy.
New wearable computers and airport security personnel trained to read them are being added at airport checkpoints, enabling quicker transfers of face recognition data to be sent to the security personnel, quickening the reaction time for them to track and apprehend suspects.
The wearing of airport security reaction time are the two changes set to be implemented through this new technology, and many will face the reality of computer error in yet another form, with a foreseeable backlash in the monitoring of citizens around the globe.
Men and women have to wonder what kind of data the computers and airport security personnel are really gathering, even though they claim to be looking for faces only, how can they escape recording everything about you, from clothes to the types of items a man may bring along.
This new system set up between the computers and security can be setting people up for closer monitoring than ever before, and could be a smoke screen for collecting much more data than just what their faces look like.
Some countries have implemented the use of RFID identification in clothing and retail products, and the use of these up-close computers being worn by the security personnel on the floor, make for great data collectors gathering even more tracking information for Big Brother.
The government has become super-adept at diverting the real use of technologies and programs, while all the time becoming more enabled to track and monitor people like never before in history, and violating more and more rights with each new machine.
People may say that conspiracy theories are from paranoid people, and if every piece of new technology didn’t bring with it the ability for further monitoring and data collecting, then an argument could be made for that, but as it is, it just doesn’t hold water.
With this particular technology, instead of big cameras hanging on the walls throughout the airport and pictures from a distance, they’ve brought the cameras to the floor where the data can be collected upfront and personal by hanging around the neck of the security people walking the floor of the airport, down where the people are.
When singled out for further inspection, by the time the floor person gets a man or woman to the screening room, they can already have his or her life’s history in front of them, and whether he or she is guilty of anything or not they have just been tracked again, and yet another footprint has been laid that can be used against them at any time in the future.
Terrorism, Computers and Airport Security
Terrorism is indeed dangerous, but the way the government invades its citizens is even more dangerous, and the protection men need today is from Big Brother invasion, which not only exists in all men do to maintain the necessities of life, but comes past the very doors of their homes invading and violating privacy with reckless abandon.
Monitoring in the name of safety has allowed the collection of personal information to go beyond acceptable boundaries, and many go unwittingly to the slaughter.
Computers and airport security are infringing on the rights of people.
Men have become too passive in letting their rights be taken away.
The shock value has worn off, and the acceptance of it becomes more and more easily done, offering up little protest, and being stripped naked before Big Brother.