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Conservatives Need a Reality Check About SNAP

Conservatives Need A Reality Check About SNAP

I had to take a break from arguing with liberals and gun control for a bit so why not call out the right on their hypocrisy and misplaced outrage over SNAP benefits and government assistance?  If you follow this blog you already know I don’t buy into the two party paradigm but since so many Americans still do, I have to direct certain posts towards certain audiences.  I’m an issue by issue free thinker.  I get tired of being backed into a corner to pick a side or label myself as this or that.  Ick, it’s exhausting.  Yet we march on!

So, in case you forgot anything going on this week before the school shooting media frenzy, here’s the rundown.

The Trump administration has proposed an overhaul to the food stamp program that would replace some people’s benefits with a “Harvest box” of products like shelf-stable milk, pasta, peanut butter, meat, and canned fruits and vegetables.

The changes are part of a proposed cut to funding for food stamps, or SNAP, adding up to more than $200 billion dollars over 10 years. Switching to “Harvest boxes,” according to the budget, would contribute $130 million of that savings.

SNAP serves about 42 million Americans, which includes low-income working families, and seniors and disabled people on fixed incomes. Currently, people who receive SNAP have their monthly benefit deposited to an EBT card — basically a special debit card — that lets them purchase unprepared food at authorized grocery stores or local businesses.

Budget Director Mick Mulvaney likened the model to a “Blue Apron-type program” for those living in poverty. Blue Apron is a delivery food box program that costs $10.00 per serving and offers 30-minute recipes created with fresh ingredients.

“SNAP is most successful government program we have today,” said Craig Gundersun, a professor of agriculture and economics at the University of Illinois who has studied SNAP for the past twenty years.

Conservatives are complaining about the abuse of government assistance like everyone on SNAP is out eating steak and lobster every night.  Am I saying there’s no abuse? Of course not.  But with all other polarizing issues dividing the people in this political circus, it gets way too overhyped and people tend to ignore other pressing issues and facts to focus on what the media tells them to focus on.  It’s like watching puppets on a string.

You righties might hate me for shutting you up and some of you may feel stupid after I explain to you that even if EVERYONE on SNAP was abusing it….you are NOT, I repeat are NOT PAYING FOR IT! This is where people need to pay extra attention because this is the one KEY factor hardly anyone grasps.  The banking system and where your tax dollars REALLY go.

Stop letting the social engineering elites wage class warfare on you.  What good does it do for the middle-class slaves to argue with the lower class slaves when most of you are only a couple of paychecks away from being in the same boat?  Check yo self before you wreck yo self!

The federal income tax extracted by the IRS from US citizens only goes toward paying off debt to private bankers. Not a cent of it goes to governmental services!

Outrageous as it may be, there is not a single cent of all the income taxes collected from US citizens that go towards a single service or benefit the US Government provides. Want proof of this? The Grace Commission released a report in January 1984, under US President Ronald Reagan, which stated that:

“100% of what is collected [in income taxes] is absorbed solely by interest on the Federal Debt and by Federal Government contributions to transfer payments. In other words, all individual income tax revenues are gone before one nickel is spent on the services taxpayers expect from government.”

Conservatives Need A Reality Check About SNAP

The End of The U.S. Republic

On Sunday, December 23, 1913, two days before Christmas, while most of Congress was on vacation, President Woodrow Wilson signed the Glass-Owen Act – Federal Reserve Act into law. The Federal Reserve System name itself had been carefully chosen to deceive Americans. Additionally, it is setup as a Puerto Rican Canon Law Trust as their model, adding stock and naming it a “Joint Stock Trust.”

While “Federal” implied public control, it is in fact owned by private shareholders. “Reserve” suggested it would hold reserves to protect banks, but it has no hard assets-only bonds and other instruments of debt, and as we will see, “fiat money.” “System” was chosen to give the illusion of not being a single central bank, although all decisions are decreed from the New York Fed. Wilson would later express profound regret over his tragic decision, stating:

“I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated governments in the civilized world – no longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men.”

In mid-1914, six months after the passing of the Federal Reserve Act the next scheme is hatched to place the burden of repayment of U.S. Government’s debt on the backs of U.S. citizens. Keep in mind that the U.S. Government was/is using a copy of America’s Original Constitution as its corporate by-laws, and not one of it’s Amendments have any effect on free American Nationals, but only on U.S. citizens.

The United States is not a land or a place: ‘It is a corporation, a legal fiction.’ [See: Republica v. Sween, 1 Dallas 43 and 28 U. S. C. 3002 (15)]

Congress declared the 16th Amendment as having been ratified as a matter of keeping the public peace. Since March 27, 1861 the U.S. Government has been under military rule, and therefore the Amendment did not require being properly ratified by the states, which are now Franchises of, and under the Federal Government, under martial law. Therefore, this negates all original unconstitutional arguments.

Conservatives Need A Reality Check About SNAP

The Federal Reserve bank has never paid a dime in income tax and has never been audited.

If you think Donald Trump doesn’t know this I have an ocean front property for sale.  The establishment of the Federal Reserve is the fifth plank in the Communist Manifesto.

Conservatives Need A Reality Check About SNAP

Now just think back to all we learned in school about how FREE we are and how we have so many rights and choices in America.  ALL A BIG SACK OF LIES!  Whoever controls the production of money controls the country.  They control the printing presses of the textbooks in schools and what goes in them.  It’s far easier to control a nation by giving them the illusion of freedom and choice.  People won’t revolt if they think they have a choice and someone is looking out for their interests.  The false sense of security and trust in our government officials has led us to the situation we are in today. In addition to the fact the majority of our nation has no clue how the financial system really works.

We’re setting up the younger generations for failure by not explaining to them that the same “bankers” who loan them money for student loans also engage in corrupt practices to devalue the currency and destroy America through financial ruin.  The invented “inflation.”  It’s a made up bs to further enslave the masses in debt.  While raising the cost of living and blaming inflation while also reducing wages or stagnant periods of no raise in wages they are making corporate slaves out of us.  We tell our kids a college degree ensures success but not when a group of psychopaths controlling the stock market and currency decide to crash it like they did in 2008.

Conservatives Need A Reality Check About SNAP

The housing crisis was planned.  Basically, it went like this…..give anyone breathing a loan for a mortgage.  Now since there’s no gold backing the currency what are they actually lending you?  NOTHING.  PAPER.  Once they have given out enough of these bad fraudulent loans they pull the plug and stop lending & wait for the crash.  Now all of these people who now can’t pay their mortgages (often times due to increase in assessed property taxes or a fluctuating interest rate) are faced with foreclosures.  So now the bank who lent you NOTHING for your home and are out NOTHING by you defaulting is going to OWN your home.  So they acquired your home when they never paid a dime for it in the first place.  Good scheme huh?

It would be the equivalent of me printing out monopoly money on my printer at home and lending it to you to buy a home.  If you cannot pay me back what am I actually losing?  The cost of paper.  That’s it.  What do you lose?  EVERYTHING.  A roof over your head.

So what is backing the currency?  YOU ARE.  What?  Yes, YOU are backing it.  All “citizens” labor and lifetime taxes & debts back the fiat currency.  Get a copy of your live birth certificate and see for yourself.  This is an example. See the part where it says AMERICAN BANK NOTE COMPANY?   Ask yourself why the word bank would be on a birth certificate in the first place?  This isn’t the copy the health department gives you either. You have to requst the live birth certificate from the state dept.

Conservatives Need A Reality Check About SNAP

According to Senate Document 43, 73rd Congress 1st Session, all property of United States Citizens is owned by the State.  Below is an excerpt from  Senate Document 43 that openly admits this fact.

The ultimate ownership of all property is in the State; individual so-called “ownership” is only by virtue of Government, i.e. law, amounting to mere user; and use must be in accordance with law, and subordinate to the necessities of the State.

Americans have been robbed blind for decades.  We’ve been traded on the stock market as “commodities.”  Our leaders are nothing more than spokespersons of this banking cartel.  They could care less about the average American and are pre-selected puppets who have been groomed for their roles.

Every single American should be getting way more than SNAP benefits. They owe us way more than an EBT card.  We should all be buying steak & lobster every night for what they have done to us. Conservatives, your anger is misdirected.  Even if you were funding SNAP (which you aren’t) where is the same level of outrage over the 21 trillion unaccounted for at the Pentagon?  Or the 3.45 trillion spent on one F-35 jet that is not even in operation?  Or the $10 million dollars a day that goes to Israel in annual aid while we have vets sleeping on the streets and dying waiting for proper health care?

If people could stop participating in the left-right narrative and start caring more about their fellow Americans we could make some real progress.

If you want to know more about ending your citizen of the slave ship status and the truth about the history of banking and our government you can do so HERE.

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