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Corrupt Federal Reserve Banking

Federal Reserve Banking is Corrupting the Heart of the U.S., it Must End Before it is Too Late and They Become a One World Bank.

The only solution for the crumbling United States economy is to abolish the Federal Reserve banking system.

The nation must return the country to the gold standard. The people must regain control of their currency and their lives.

Due to the Federal Reserve’s monetary policy, regular Americans suffer from inflation, which is a true hidden tax.

The economy under the Federal Reserve rocks up and down with different policies and mistakes while the gold standard would be a steady ship.

The main problem in today’s economy is the amount of easy money made available to the United States government.

Manipulating the System

By consistently lowering interest rates, the government is telling the consumer that they can afford almost anything, even when they can’t.

Today the dollar is in freefall, causing the export business to lose money.

The real beneficiaries of the up and down economy are the ultra-rich, like George Soros who recently claimed that he is having a great crisis.

Right now the Federal Reserve is in control of monetary policy, while the Constitution states that Congress should be in control.

The currency needs to be backed by an actual commodity, like gold or silver, thereby giving it stability.

Federal Reserve banking consistently changes the value of the dollar, creating inflation at times and causing the quality of life to plummet.

The Root of the Evil

Federal Reserve banking is at the heart of all the economic problems in United States history.

A free market economy works on the law of supply and demand. More supply equals less value.

When the government makes the money supply too great, the value of the dollar erodes.

This easy money and low interest rates created the real estate bubble.

Prices of homes went into the stratosphere because demand increased with the lowering of interest rates and easy loans.

As a result people bought homes they couldn’t afford and the bubble burst wide open.

Once prices go up, people realize that they need to make more money to afford those homes, so they charge more for services.

Now everyone needs to make more money to afford to live. This becomes a viscous cycle and its the average American who suffers.

Who is Benefiting?

The only people who benefit from inflationary economic policies is the government.

The government just borrows the money and has no plan on how to pay it back.

If they need to pay it back, they just raise taxes. So the average citizen gets a double whammy.

Now the government is borrowing more money to give to banks that made bad decisions.

The banks don’t suffer any consequences for bad choices or actions.

In fact, they get even more profit because they use the money to merge and acquire.

Plus, new mortgages are written because interest rates go low again.

Federal Reserve banking is dangerous because it controls monetary policy based on thoughts or whims.

It isn’t based on anything real. Sand in the Sahara Desert is not a big commodity, but water in the desert is.

We need a monetary policy that is based on something tangible, not based on faulty policy.

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