Corrupt Role of Central Banks
The Role of Central Banks Worldwide Grows Stronger as the Federal Reserve Forms Alliances With Them and the Global Banking Cabal Becomes Ever More Powerful.
The role of central banks has grown mighty as the New World Order emerges.
The Federal Reserve is the U.S.’s illegal and unconstitutional central bank and has formed alliances with other central banks from around the globe.
The elite bankers who own the Federal Reserve have as their goal the development of a global monetary and banking system.
The central banks have now formed an alliance and they ARE the banking system of the multinational corporations.
They are NOT the banking system of the people or the people’s sovereign republics.
The next step will be to call all forms of national currency as valueless and present THE one global currency that is the only currency to be honored as having value.
The final step will be to issue everyone RFID chips that can only be loaded with the established New World Order currency and controlled by the world’s central bank.
The role of central banks will become obvious to everyone at that point, but it will be too late.
Stop the Central Banks
How can we stop the central banks? There are many that are trying to find the answer.
The first thing that needs to happen is for people to see the truth about the role of central banks and to support one another as we move through these challenging times.
The truth is very difficult to see with all of the subliminal messages, secretive actions, and terrible lies that are in place to intentionally blind us.
When people gather and start finding the courage to talk about the things that concern them then they are on the right road.
There are no easy answers, yet there is always hope of moving this way and that until enough movement has occurred to break the chains.
The patriots in the United States’ early history had to go through many difficult years before they were able to break loose from British Rule.
They did finally wear the British out and took off their shackles with joyous cries of freedom.
The population that came to the United States as slaves had a much more difficult time.
It took longer to claim their right to freedom but eventually they too succeeded.
The Way Forward
We all now must unite as one people for we are all from immigrants or slave ships, and we all have a desire to be free human beings.
This may be our last chance to join as one nation, under God, indivisible, to fight for our freedom and become once again victorious by throwing off the shackles of the role of central banks and singing with joyous cries of freedom from enslavement.
The role of the central banks is dark and their owners are the worst sort of people, yet they are few and we are many and with a joining of our hearts and spirits we can overcome.
The religious and cultural differences must be set aside for they keep us separate from one another.
We the people need to act in public and not be afraid to join our voices in demanding that the Federal Reserve stops all activity and the central banks are prohibited from owning any of our private currency.