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Creation of the Federal Reserve Regretted

The Creation of the Federal Reserve Was Not the Creation of a Government Entity as the Name Implies; the Fed is a Group of Banking Elites Enslaving Us All.

The creation of the Federal Reserve Bank was initiated by none other than President Woodrow Wilson.

What many Americans do not know is that the Federal Reserve violates the Constitution, yet it is still functioning almost 100 years later.

The United States Constitution makes provisions for Congress to coin and regulate money in Article 1, Section 8.

Here, Congress was given the power to regulate our funds, any foreign funds or coins, and the like. But the United States government does not actually have this power.

The United States government does not have any power in the issuing, controlling, or even the distribution of money.

This power belongs to a private corporation. That private corporation is the Federal Reserve, one that is registered in Delaware, and has been since the days of Woodrow Wilson.

The premise that Wilson used in the creation of the Federal Reserve was an intention to overtake the then “current” dictatorship of private banks and private funding institutions.

He wanted to stabilize what was considered an inflexible banking system, where loan policies, reserve assets, and banking was not regulated.

The Monopoly

The creation of the Federal Reserve was not our forefather’s Intent, but that did not stop Wilson in creating of it.

Wilson’s answer was the Federal Reserve, a system he felt would create central policies for the nation’s banking.

When Wilson established the Federal Reserve he did so in order to provide a three- tier money system that included money holders, commercial banks, and the Federal Reserve.

But it is the Federal Reserve that carries the monopoly when it comes to handing out the cash.

And in fact, it is these commercial banks that actually own the Federal Reserve today.

It is not, as our Constitution states, Congress that issues funds globally.

Behind an Assassination?

President John F. Kennedy tried to change this system. He felt that the creation of the Federal Reserve essentially put America under a strangle hold.

President Kennedy worked to dismiss the Federal Reserve in a bill that ordered the United States Government to restore money controlling powers back to Congress.

Three weeks later, Kennedy was dead. Coincidence? When President Lyndon Johnson took the oath, his first order of business was to rescind Kennedy’s bill.

Why is it that no President, no Congress since has been able to stand up to the Federal Reserve?

Due to the way it was created, there was a back-out clause. One that was recognized by Kennedy before he died.

The Federal Reserve has loaned our government $1 billion dollars.

The back-out clause gives the United States government authority to buy the system out for the same amount of money.

If we did that, Congress would resume control of American currency, as the Constitution requires, and our National Debt would be eliminated. Immediately.

Jefferson’s Prophecy

Though the Federal Reserve had not been established yet, Thomas Jefferson was not for privatization of American funds.

He basically said that if the American people allowed their money to be controlled by private agencies, their children would end up homeless, and their country would be “conquered”.

And he’s right. With the Federal Reserve came controlled money flow, making money flow tight, higher unemployment rates, and increased rates of inflation.

“Since the creation of the Federal Reserve, middle and working-class Americans have been victimized by a boom-and-bust monetary policy.

“In addition, most Americans have suffered a steadily eroding purchasing power because of the Federal Reserve’s inflationary policies.”

-Congressman Ron Paul, U.S. House of Representatives, September 10, 2002

History tells us that every single economic downturn that this country has suffered, including the Depression, the burst of the bubble of the “dot-com” generation, and even today’s economic crisis, can all be traced back to policies held by the Federal Reserve.

We see revenues stolen from us by the banking mafia aided and abetted by our own government through taxation on money exchanged for our labor.

Is THIS the country you want to live in? Seek to discover the truth ,which will enable you to eliminate the yoke of economic and intellectual slavery under which the average citizen now toils in perpetual servitude.

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