Currency Controls and the RFID Chip
Currency Controls Using the RFID Chip Are Just Another Way for the Global Elite to Monitor us and Track Our Spending for Control by the One World Government.
The banking elite have been using currency controls to gain more power over the population as they march towards creating a New World Order.
They would like for you to believe there is nothing wrong with the money you spend every day or the debt you build.
The banking elite do not want for you to know that they have been controlling more than just the amount of dollars in circulation.
They also control the RFID chips embedded in the currency itself as well as the information gained from the chip laden currency.
They would have you believe the only reason the security strip is embedded in the paper currency is to keep the terrorists from being able to counterfeit it.
The truth is the security strip can be used as an RFID chip that contains specific information about the money itself and allows it to be tracked.
This means they can not only see what you are spending your money on, but they can also use your money to track where you go every day.
At the airport they even have a machine that will count the money in your pocket as you walk by.
They will have you believe that this is to keep the terrorists and drug smugglers from moving money around the country, but it is just another measure of control.
By recording the bills as they come in contact with computers that can read them, the money can be used to track your position in the world.
This is just one of the ways in which the banking mafia is using their control over the currency to enslave you.
Preferred Loans
The banking mafia is using currency controls to make sure that only the people they want to have large loans are allowed to have large loans.
The businesses they would like to see fail are simply not given the money they need to grow and then are allowed to fail.
The corporations that benefit the banking mafia the most are the ones that will garner the most power for the banking elite and their New World Order agenda. The banking mafia would rather see all small businesses fail.
The bailouts you have been seeing in the news are just one of the examples of how the banking mafia is using currency controls to shape the marketplace.
Businesses have become so accustomed to receiving handouts from the government that they are indignant that they even have to ask.
The only difference between what usually happens and what is playing out in front of the cameras is that there is usually no disagreement about whether or not they will get the money.
Usually, the only matters discussed are how much the interest will be on the loan.
Creating Money
All banks create money out of thin air when we or the government borrow it. The interest is never creating therebymaking it nearly impossible to all be repaid. Learn exactly how they do this here: money creation.
By controlling, owning, the central bank that can create money, they have the power to make loans where no actual money exists.
By making money off of interest for money that they do not have, the criminal banking cabal has been able to gain control over the entire country, and world.
Anon amous August 28, 2022
You are slightly mistaken. The Federal Reserve System is neither a government agency nor do they hold reserves. They Are the Banking Mafia you speak of.