Current Concept of Leadership in Democracy is Treason
In America Today, the Concept of Leadership in Democracy is Influenced by Crooked International Bankers.
Here’s a look into the concept of leadership in democracy. First of all, it’s important you understand that America began as a Republic, not a democracy.
Since we’ve already detailed this in other areas of our site, we won’t go into it again here. This should get you interested:
“We are now forming a Republican form of government. Real Liberty is not found in the extremes of democracy, but in moderate governments.
“If we incline too much to democracy, we shall soon shoot into a monarchy, or some other form of dictatorship.”
– Alexander Hamilton
Does dictatorship reveal where some people would like to see our current concept of leadership in democracy go? Let’s find out.
Concept of Leadership in Democracy: Removing Mental Chains
Suffice it to say that we have now been turned into a democracy by the true leaders of our country, the elite banking cabal.
Until you’re able to reject the hypnotizing spell the Freemason education conspiracy and “bought and paid for” controlled media has placed on you, you’ll have a hard time seeing through the facade of government.
Concept of Leadership in Democracy: Worshipping Jackals
H.L. Mencken had this to say in regards to the concept of leadership in democracy:
“Democracy is a form of worship. It is the worship of jackals by jackasses.”
Obviously, it’s not our intent to label you a jackass.
It’s our intent to inform and educate you on who and what the leadership in the new American democracy (again, as opposed to the Republic we’re supposed to be) holds its true allegiance to.
The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines “jackal” as: “a person who performs routine or menial tasks for another” or “a person who serves or collaborates with another especially in the commission of base acts”.
If Mencken is correct (and we believe he is), then the American people are arguing about, voting for, and worshipping people who merely serve a higher power.
As noted earlier in this article, that higher power consists of the international bankers.
When tackling the concept of leadership in democracy, if the focus isn’t on these high-level crooks, the focus is completely off base.
Banking Influence on Concept of Leadership in Democracy isn’t New
This isn’t a new enemy to the “common” people of the world.
In fact, our formally great Republic was founded in the effort to remove the slavery chains of big banking interests and the hold they have on money creation and debt.
“The refusal of King George to operate an honest colonial money system which freed the ordinary man from the clutches of the manipulators was probably the prime cause of the Revolution.
“The Colonies would gladly have borne the little tax on tea and other matters, had it not been that England took away from the Colonies their money, which created unemployment and dissatisfaction.”
– Benjamin Franklin
Unfortunately, America’s concept of leadership in democracy has been infiltrated by banking interests from the very beginning of the original Republic.
International bankers have held influence in American politics as far back as Alexander Hamilton.
Hamilton was a proponent of establishing the first U.S. central bank (which was later abolished) that others, like Thomas Jefferson, were so opposed to.
Thomas Jefferson’s Warnings Regarding Banking
Thomas Jefferson offered us insight into how dangerous central banking is to our concept of leadership in democracy:
“If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their money, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them, will deprive the people of their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.
“I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies.“Already they have raised up a money aristocracy that has set the government at defiance.
“The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the government.
“The bold efforts that the present bank has made to CONTROL THE GOVERNMENT, are but premonitions of the fate which awaits the American people should they be deluded into a perpetuation of this institution or the establishment of another like it.“…If the people only understood the rank injustice of our money and banking system there would be a revolution before morning.”
It’s clear that Jefferson was extremely concerned about the international bankers and the threat they held (and still do) over our concept of leadership in democracy.
Bankers Successful with the Fed
Fast forward to 1913 when the international bankers were finally successful in establishing the United States Central Bank (Federal Reserve) that stands to this day.
Another agent of the bankers’, Colonel House, was President Woodrow Wilson’s “right hand man”.
House held great power over the concept of leadership in democracy when he made sure Wilson signed the Federal Reserve Act. Consider the words of House:
“America is the most undemocratic of democratic countries. Our Constitution. Served us well for the first hundred years.
“But under the conditions of today (it is) not only obsolete, but even grotesque. Nowhere in the world is wealth more defiant, or monopoly more insistent.”
– Philip Dru: Administrator: A Story of Tomorrow’
House’s solution to fixing America was to establish a dictator after a bloody civil war.
Remember, he represented the international bankers that still hold power over the concept of leadership in democracy today.
America’s march toward Socialism and Fascism makes more sense when you know this information.
Famous Quotes Linking Banking to Concept of Leadership in Democracy
Three past politicians offer us a further glimpse into the truth behind the American concept of leadership in democracy.
“…the real menace of our republic is this invisible government. it operates under cover of self-created screen.
“At the head. (is) a small group of powerful banking houses generally referred to as international bankers.
“The little coterie of powerful international bankers virtually run the United States government for their own selfish purposes.
“They practically control both political parties.”
– John F. Hylan, New York City Mayor, 1922
“Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men’s views confided to me privately.
“Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture are afraid of something.
“They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.”
– Woodrow Wilson, former U.S. President (1913)
“The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the larger centers has owned the government ever since the days of Andrew Jackson…
“The country is going through a repetition of Jackson’s fight with the Bank of the United States-only on a far bigger and broader basis.”
– ex-President Franklin Delano Roosevelt
We Begin to Fight Back
This is OUR country! Not a bunch of fat, international bankers. We’re not going to sit down and watch their efforts at bankrupting our future any longer.
The current concept of leadership in democracy is a disgrace. Republican or Democrat, it doesn’t matter.
They’re paid by wealthy crooks to ruin our United States Constitution.