Danger Inside American Education System
Our American Education System Has Been Hi-jacked by Those Advocating a Dumbing Down of Children. Their Goal is to Create a Population of Workers, Not Thinkers.
The American education system is being systematically changed from one of teaching children to think into one of preparing children for the New World Order.
Our young people are no longer learning critical thinking skills; they’re taught to embrace the collective.
The New World Order, also commonly called the Global Community, is the vision of the world’s elite. The elite envision a world where God-given rights are a thing of the past.
They envision a world where constant surveillance and brainwashing ensures that the public is subservient to the elite’s military forces.
The plan is to keep you in a constant state of fear. The plan is to ruin the family structure, to turn child against parent.
If you look closely, this is being manifested in the American education system.
“We no longer see the teaching of facts and information as the primary function of education.”
– Dr. Shirley McCune, at the 1989 Kansas Governor’s Conference
That’s right; the primary purpose is to identify at a young age what vocation each child is best “suited for,” and then churn out “worker bees,” rather than vibrant people full of their own individual ideas.
American Education System: Socialization
“If every parent in America knew what was really going on in the public schools, there would be a revolution.”
– Columnist Thomas Sowell
If you’re a parent, you need to be aware of a new idea called “Outcome-Based Education” (OBE).
In his comments in the infamous “Dear Hillary letter,” Congressman Henry Hyde charged that the Goals 2000/STW (School-to-Work) education reforms were a planned concept “for dumbing down our schools and changing the character of the nation through behavior modification.”
Congressman Sonny Bono, in the letter to a constituent said: “Our schools will be restructured to teach labor skills and to focus on changing attitudes and social behavior.”
Lynne Cheney, former head of the National Endowment for the Humanities, showed in her New York Times article that: “School-to-Work programs don’t just direct job choices. They also seek to inculcate attitudes.”
The chairman of the Education Committee in the Oregon House of Representatives said that through school “reform” Oregon shifted “from effective education (reading, writing and arithmetic) to affective education where the emphasis is on attitudes, behaviors, and socialization. Academic subjects become secondary.”
– quoted from None Dare Call It Education, by John A. Stormer
American Education System: Changes Names
Realize that as some people became aware of “Outcome-Based Education” (OBE) in the mid-90’s, it came under attack by those concerned with its intent at dumbing down our youth.
Therefore, those advocating it stopped using the term. However, it’s still in operation under other names, such as, performance-based education, competency-based education, and high-performance education.
American Education System: Outcome-Based Education
Again, we turn to Stormer’s book for insight on two problems with OBE and its effect on the American education system.
Family Research Council issued a report on OBE in 1994 saying:
“…the outcomes that the gurus of OBE have in mind have less to do with whether Johnny can comprehend the Federalist Papers or place the Civil War in the correct half-century than with his acquisition of the desired attitudes on such issues as global resource inequality, multiculturalism, homelessness, alternative lifestyles, and environmentalism.
“Under OBE, political correctness goes to grade school. The new outcomes are supposed to make education ‘relevant’ to ‘real life problems.”
The second major problem with OBE is that its advocates say, “No student will fail-all will measure up.” That sounds appealing.
Yet all students do not have the same basic abilities. To insure that all achieve the targeted outcomes there must be a leveling down of the goals.
The problem was spelled out in a September 1992 publication of the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE), In answering the question, ‘What are some of the major challenges in the process of converting to OBE?’ DESE said:
“The first and most critical challenge is changing our beliefs and attitudes. We must stop believing that a few students will do well in school, that most will be ‘average’ and that some will certainly fail.
“That belief or expectation will be difficult to change because, in all our experience, that is what we have observed.
“A successful conversion to OBE requires us to believe that virtually all students can learn at a satisfactory level. They can if our schools are organized and conducted to achieve that goal.”
NWO Goals for the American Education System
Earlier, we quoted Shirley McCune. Here’s what Stormer had to say regarding McCune and her ideas for the American education system in None Dare Call It Education.
“McCune is typical of the new generation of school ‘reformers’ and ‘planners.’ She led the way in bringing key educators to see boys and girls as human capital–raw material to be shaped and molded into the bricks and mortar for building a new world order.”
Later Stormer quotes Lamar Alexander, President of the University of Tennessee and a former Governor of that state, as he describes how they’ll restructure America’s society through ‘brand new American schools:
”I would think the brand new American school would be open year round-open from 6 a.m. until 6 p.m. A second characterization might be that these schools would serve children from age three months to eighteen years of age.
“A shocking thought to you-but if you were to do an inventory of every baby in your community and think about the needs of those babies for the next four or five years, you might see that those needs might not be served in any other way-they have to be served in some way-and maybe around the school.
“Or if you study a little more, you might go back to think the school might need to serve the pregnant mother of the baby in terms of prenatal care.”
Do you see what these New World Order nuts envision for Americans? They see and are implementing how they can transform the American education system into a complete invasion of the family and private life.
Unless these plans are thwarted, the future will be one where individual parental control over their children will be replaced with state control.
American Education System: A Brave New World
In 1934, a man named Aldous Huxley wrote a ‘fictional’ book called, Brave New World. In it he wrote.
“A really efficient totalitarian state would be one in which the all-powerful executive of political bosses and their army of managers control a population of slaves who do not have to be coerced, because they love their servitude.
“To make them love it is the task assigned, in present-day totalitarian states, to the ministries of propaganda, newspaper editors and school teachers.”
Huxley’s “fiction” has turned real.
American Education System: Role of Banking
Our goal is to expose all aspects of Globalization (New World Order), such as how the American education system is in serious danger.
The misuse of our American education system is actually a symptom of allowing international bankers and industrialists to control our monetary system. Our money and banking is the key to the New World Order.
More education on this is available at Federal Reserve banking history and Money Creation.
Once you understand that the elite cabal funds its Global Community through illegal taxation and fraudulent debt creation, you can begin to see that one solution is to go after that funding.
Additionally, joining a DTSS U.S. Complete Freedom Membership Program right-away will stop their illegal income tax.
By blindly buying into Federal taxes and a mountain of debt, Americans are unwittingly funding the elite and their totalitarian plans.
It doesn’t have to be this way. If the people are educated on the fraud, the fraud falls apart. We suggest you allow Aaron Russo to educate you on the fraudulent tax issue.