Dangerous Applications of Biometrics
The Government Uses Various Applications of Biometrics to Track and Control Americans. Big Brother is Here Readying Us for the Police State Lock-down.
Many ask is DTSS legit, instead of asking if the international banking cartel is legit. When one hears of the applications of biometrics what comes to mind?
Is it an advance in science or is it the government keeping tabs on people?
The answer to this question depends on if new science is used in the hands of good kings or bad kings on earth.
Bad kings will design our future if the government and the elite banking cartel who backs it have their way.
With the introduction of new ways of tracking us, Americans are not at all comforted by the thought that Big Brother is watching them. Yet this is exactly what is happening.
RFID tracking chips are already being introduced in common everyday things such as razor blades, toothpaste, and even cream cheese, and soon will be in everything we own.
The FISA law of 1978 has already proven that we are being watched by Big Brother and things are not getting any better. Soon even our refrigerators will have chips to keep track of exactly what is inside of them.
The banking elite who control the government want to introduce a New World Order where they have total control.
In this police state we will have lost all our freedom and rights and Big Brother will be everywhere. We can see signs of it today in the biometrics being used.
Our Rights
With today’s terrorism issues extra security measures need to be in place, nobody is arguing this fact.
It is the government’s job to protect the nation, but when is giving up our constitutional rights and freedoms ever a good thing?
With the applications of biometrics being introduced today there has to be a point when the brakes are put on to protect our personal privacy rights.
It’s just a matter of time before people will have all of their personal information in a huge database and Big Brother will know exactly where we are and what we have at any given point in time.
RFID Chips
Radio frequency identification chips were originally put into golf balls so that when they were hit in the rough they could easily be found.
Now these chips are everywhere, including in personal products, in our credit cards and in passes that are in automobiles for toll booths (EZ passes). All can be spotted by satellite.
Applications of biometrics have spread to new uses including the Verichip, which is about the size of half a grain of rice. This chip is meant to be placed in humans under the skin holding all of our personal information.
With this chip the location of a person can be found at any time, anywhere just like our animals when they are chipped at the veterinarians.
FISA Law of 1978
This freedom stealing law was later amended and made worse by the Patriot Act. What this speaks of is domestic spying by the FBI, CIA and NSA.
In reports documented and released by the Church Committee it is reported that these agencies were spying on domestic groups. Were the rights for the groups infringed upon?
It was proven rights were broken and with no legitimate reason behind the actions. Are we being protected or spied upon?
The applications of biometrics in the United States is a dangerous thing because our right to privacy is being violated faster than new laws to protect them can be enacted.
The government is supposed to protect its citizens, not watch every move they make, tracking them like dogs that are tagged with RFID collars or bio-chip implants.
Big Brother is here and we must fight them before we are forced into the New World Order.