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Dangerous Global Positioning System Laptop

Elite Use Your Global Positioning System Laptop to Spy On You. 

Every time that you turn on your global positioning system laptop, you are inviting Big Brother to peer over your shoulder to see what you are up to. 

Most every carrier these days has a card that you can hook up to your laptop that allows you to have instant access to the internet no matter where you are. 

This is being sold to you as a convenience, since you will not have to worry about networks or hot spots or land lines, in order to be able to access the net. 

People are snatching these up as quickly as possible so that no matter where they are, they can constantly be connected to the information superhighway. 

The highway is a two way street though, and as a trade off for the added convenience that that you get, you are also letting Big Brother watch what you are doing. 

They cannot just look at a every file that you have in your computer at any given time, but they can also locate you exactly on the globe anytime they choose. 

As you move through the world, you will be passed off from one satellite to the next, as they observe and record your every move. 

With the freedom to be able to do your computing anywhere, comes the price of being spied on by the elite. 

Even with the knowledge that their computers are prone to being spied on by the government, people still opt to use their global positioning system laptop wherever they go. 

People have become so used to being spied on, especially after the passing of the Patriot Act, that hardly a beat is missed when they learn that their entire computer is vulnerable. 

Big Brother has used the resulting panic from the terrorist attacks to make sure that the society as a whole is steadily moving towards a New World Order.

Net on the Go 

Wireless hot spots are all the rage for most people. Even those that have a global positioning system laptop, a hot spot is a great way to connect without charges.

The only drawback to all of this convenience is that you are just making it easier for the elite to control you. 

With the ease of which you can be spied on, Big Brother is learning more and more every day about what you like and dislike.

They use this information against you, to form your opinion on what they want you to buy. GPS in a laptop is not a mistake – it was planned. 

Big Brother Watching

Is the convenience of global positioning system laptop technology worth the price that you have to pay?

With the use of these systems, the government has all access to your life and they are always watching.

Whether you are in the local coffee shop, or one of the many hotels that offer wifi service, the government has access to all that you do on your computer. 

They can access the wireless network that you are using and gather any information that you have on your computer.

The price of convenience is knowing that Big Brother Government agencies are always watching you.

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