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Dish Network Satellites

Dish Network Satellites have become the Drug of Our Nation. While Far Too Many Americans Invest Their Attention in Popular Programming, Power Has Shifted From People to State.

Dish Network satellites have replaced traditional values.

I remember the days when religion was normally recognized as Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism and other ideologies that represent philosophies of life and righteous concepts.

I personally regard religion as a mass control mechanism, but I totally respect peoples’ right to believe what they want to believe and good luck to them.

In the latter part of the 20th century, we began to worship a new god, one which is relentlessly thrust upon us without us even realizing.

To quote the 90s rap group Disposable Heroes of Hiphoprisy, “television, drug of the nation, breeding ignorance and feeding radiation.”

It’s quite a poignant phrase which goes some distance to describe how our lives have been directed away from shrines, churches and temples to the large dish network satellites we now call our places of worship.

Instead of Buddha, we have Larry King; our replacement for Jesus seems to be Oprah Winfrey, and our path to enlightenment begins with the FOX News Network.

At one time we lived our lives to the fullest, but now we watch other people live their lives on the multitude of Reality TV channels.

Entertainment is all well and good in small doses, but we are being diverted towards television for a reason which most people don’t even realize.

The Puppets Have Many Strings Attached

While we live in the realms of fantasy, aided by Desperate Housewives, Sex in the City and the College Basketball playoffs, we are losing sight of the problems that entrench our generation and those of our children.

We take great comfort in dish network satellites that project hundreds of mindless programs per hour, while our freedoms are being obliterated.

There is a group of people who operate at the loftiest level of society who control our governments through front men like Barack Obama and Gordon Brown.

Anybody who believes a characterless morbid weasel like the British PM could even organize his own paperwork needs a reality check.

People such as Obama and Brown just repeat to us what they are told from the global elite rulers.

They are good public speakers at best, with the ability to lie without a conscience and run around manipulating legislation into place.

These legislations are usually unconstitutional, such as the Patriot Act, gun ownership regulations or cyberbullying bills.

Although the legislations are usually imposed to “better” society, there is normally a wicked duplicity behind their induction.

Take the Cyberbullying Act for instance. This was imposed to protect our children from sexual predators and harassment online.

But, when you look at the small print, it could be used to eradicate free speech and individuality on the internet.

Restrictive Legislations

While the large dish network satellites rule our brainwaves, laws are being purposefully pushed into place that could and will restrict our lives as we know it.

More army presence on the streets and restrictions on public gun ownerships show how the balance of power has shifted from the people to the state.

By the time we realize the police state is controlling America, we will be incapable of fighting back because gun ownership will have been eradicated and the army will be enforcing new law upon the streets of our country.

Britain, which has been a famously cosmopolitan country with no guns, has just been voted the 5th largest police state in the world in a recent poll. It will not be long before we are pushing them for the mantle.

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