Does Obama Exhibit the Qualities of a Leader?
Qualities of a Leader: Obama Used by Banking Cabal to Deceive the Masses.
Some of us may think that President Barack Obama exhibits all the qualities of a leader.
He has the ability to inspire confidence in the masses with his skillful rhetoric and charm.
However, his air of confidence is nothing more than a sinister pretense.
Obama may exhibit leadership qualities on the surface, but he is nothing more than an elitist pawn.
Our federal government has been usurped by the international banking cabal.
These elite men have crippled the authority once held by our government through the unconstitutional Federal Reserve central bank created in 1913.
Before the Federal Reserve act was passed, it was the sole right of Congress to print and coin money.
Now all Americans, including our federal government, are indebted to international bankers; they own everything that we have and they practically own us too.
The Rothschild, Schiff, Warburg, and Lehman Brothers are just a few of the infamous banking families who have passed down their wealth from generation to generation.
For numerous years, these men have influenced US and world policy through think tanks like the Bilderberg Group and the Council on Foreign Relations.
All of these elite think tanks essentially propagate the same globalist agenda; a New World Order.
Deceptive Qualities of a Leader
The American public at large have been hoodwinked by America’s fresh-faced president.
If we were paying close enough attention during his election campaign, we would have noticed that Obama attended a Bilderberg meeting.
The annual Bilderberg meetings usually take place in Europe, but for some obscure reason, the 2008 Bilderberg gathering took place in the U.S.
While in Virginia, Obama and Hilary sneaked off to attend a secretive meeting.
Questions were posed to Obama’s spokesmen concerning his stealthy movements while in Virginia; many asked directly if he had attended the Bilderberg meeting.
Members of Obama’s team would not confirm or deny whether he had attended.
Bilderberg and the New World Order
For many years, the Bilderberg Group has held meetings for prominent forthcoming presidents to become acquainted with the interests of the global financial elite.
Meetings are attended by invitation only.
Bilderberg attendees are made up of select heads of state, multinational corporation owners, international think tanks and global governing bodies.
There is no mistaking the globalist agenda of the Bilderberg Group.
Their meetings are allegedly convened to “discuss” world policy, but the reality is that they determine world policy. More troubling is the fact that Obama is the Bilderberg man of the hour.
Obama has described himself as a “citizen of the world”, and he has taken great strides to lead nations of the world towards greater cooperation within his first few months of being president.
He undeniably fits the Bilderberg criteria.
Rockefeller and his Bilderberg cronies often speak about the need for greater worldwide cooperation.
They have openly called for a New World Order. What do they mean?
Rockefeller funding can be traced to depopulation and eugenics atrocities throughout history.
The elite hide behind humanitarian efforts to further their depopulation policies.
Diseased vaccinations and man-made famines will continue to kill millions of people as the New World Order advances.
A one world totalitarian government is unfolding. Don’t be fooled, Obama may exhibit the qualities of a leader, but he is nothing more than a Bilderberg puppet.