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Echelon FAQ Analysis

Understanding Key Points to Echelon FAQ. How Privacy is Being Systematically Destroyed to Create Global Control.

When thinking about Echelon FAQ the first thing you have to be wondering is, what is project Echelon?

Project Echelon is a secretive world wide intelligence signals and analysis network that is said to be composed of five English speaking nations; The United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand, or referred to as the UKUSA Community.

Simply put, Echelon has been devised as a global spy network that has the ability to intercept satellite signals, ground transmissions, and even Internet communications that are all regulated, stored, and monitored being led by the NSA.

Using a huge network of antennae and satellites, Echelon has the ability to not only intercept communication transmissions, it has the capacity to search for points of interest within those communications.

If Big Brother was a living entity it would most certainly be Echelon, and this spy network has the capabilities to reach into your life and find out anything it wants too.

Another Echelon FAQ would have to be the manner of discretion that is being used, if this all powerful spy network is real, how come we have never heard about it.

The inception of Echelon dates back to 1971 and the US government is still denying it’s existence, even though Australian and New Zealand governments have admitted to using this network, the US government still refused to admit any involvement.

The Echelon network is being aimed at non military targets so you can see the need for discretion, however, there has been reports dating back as far as 1988 describing the operation of a spy network operating on a global level and collecting information from government, business, and civilian communications.

Orwelliam Nightmare Become Reality

Echelon FAQ is something that every American needs to become aware of to understand the power of control the US government has over the world.

This is a systematic form of complete command over communication transmissions on a global level to monitor every corner of the planet earth.

What is the UKUSA Community doing with all this data?

The NSA is using a program known as “DICTIONARY” that is capable of sifting through mass amounts of intercepted communication signals that searches for specific keywords and undertones that are being transmitted.

This is Only the Beginning

Project Echelon has been operating for almost 40 years and the function of this spy network is always in a state of dynamic overhaul.

Using these spy methods against the people in the world is ensuring that there will be nowhere to hide when this becomes a mainstream entity.

Any contact that is being transmitted over any form of indirect communication can be recorded and monitored to be used against you if necessary.

Echelon is an invasion of everything we stand for in America and we must not take this lying down. 

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