Echelon Protocol Violates Your Fourth Amendment Rights
Echelon Protocol Made Legal Through Fourth Amendment Subversion.
It is a sad thing that many Americans have never even heard about Echelon, nor are they aware of the fact that Echelon protocol is violating their civil liberties every single day.
Echelon is an intense and elite spy apparatus that has been developed by a group of countries in order for them to spy on themselves, and on each other.
It gathers information from any electronic device in order to see who is behaving, and who isn’t, and it’s working in America right now.
It is estimated, but we will never really know for sure, that Echelon protocol gathers approximately two billion messages or conversations every single hour. Most of those are tossed to the Big Recycling Bin in the sky.
Imagine the last phone conversation or last text message that you sent, and see where it falls into the two billion messages that are analyzed every hour.
About 130,000 of those messages in a single hour are examined by the NSA a little more closely.
2000 of those will meet what is called ‘forwarding criteria’ and are sent to a panel of 20 analysts.
But if you just “bombed” an interview, are “gunning” for your little one, or just found out your neighbor’s cousin’s teacher has been referred to “drug” testing, your message might actually meet that forwarding criteria because you had the audacity to use ‘trigger words’.
Trigger words are the tools that Echelon protocol follows to catch the bad guys in America, and Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand.
And if you don’t believe that it’s happening elsewhere across the globe, think back to a few minutes ago when you didn’t really believe it was happening at all.
Echelon is Unconstitutional
Echelon is a violation of your Fourth Amendment rights. This Amendment guarantees that you will be protected from search and seizure that is unreasonable.
Tracking your conversations and messages is seizure of you private conversation.
The law actually stipulates that a warrant must be present in order to access your messages or private conversations.
And before that warrant can crop up, first must a pesky little thing called probable cause.
That’s what the Fourth Amendment does for you. The Supreme Court has actually made rulings specifically protecting your electronic communication. So why is Echelon still working in America?
The Fourth Amendment Subversion
But the Echelon protocol carefully skirts around this Fourth Amendment issue under the clause of the UKUSA Agreement, created in 1947, that allows all signatory countries access to the others.
So our country uses other countries as surrogates so to speak, if another country picks up communication on an American, and sends that to the American “officials” then, they haven’t broken the Fourth Amendment.
And just in case you were about to call someone and discuss this shocking violation of your civil liberties, be careful about how you use the wording “Constitution” or “Bill of Rights”.
Those are also words that can, and will be used against you in a court of law.