Echelon Satellite an Infringement of Rights
Understanding the Echelon Satellite Program and its True Purpose.
The Echelon Satellite has jeopardized our rights and most of us don’t even know it exists.
As Americans, we have the right to feel secure in our homes and to be safe against unreasonable searches and seizures.
With the advent of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 things changed dramatically in this country.
Although the keyword in FISA is foreign, intelligence agencies found ways around that to spy on American citizens.
In 2002, the Justice Department got even more power to spy on US citizens through FISA.
The satellite made it much easier to garner the information the agencies sought.
No one is disputing the need for our country to be secure, however, the Founding Fathers never intended for our rights to be usurped by the government. The Constitution was to be sacrosanct.
During the cold war, the Eisenhower administration in conjunction with our allies launched a satellite in 1960 under the guise of spying on the former Soviet Union.
Several other satellites were launched after that well into the Kennedy administration to keep track of military operations, communications and logging of any economic development.
Satellites were very useful in finding nuclear missiles in Cuba. Over the years, technology advanced to the point that there were even more communications and operations that had to be monitored, according to the US government.
Who is Watching?
The Echelon Satellite was launched to answer those needs. Countries like the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and New Zealand signed on to the project and the world was divided into zones, where these countries would monitor our enemies.
This union made it easier to use the satellite to spy on our own citizens.
These governments could make an end around the laws in their own country regarding spying on their citizens by having other nations do their work for them.
Capable of intercepting all satellite communications, the Echelon satellite has even more powerful abilities to monitor telephone and cell phone calls, satellite phone calls and to even monitor the Internet.
To date, the Echelon Satellite is the most powerful harvester of information in the world. When it comes to global intelligence, nothing out there can compare.
Tracking US
Due to the satellite’s extraordinary abilities, it is easy for intelligence agencies to keep tabs on every citizen and to compile files on them.
By monitoring our phone calls, our emails and purchases online, the government can develop a profile of our behavior, our habits and keep a record of everyone with whom we have contact.
Undoubtedly Big Brother is watching and in some cases even selling this information to the highest bidder, often factions of the global elite.
By using RFID chips, retinal scans and the GPS system as ancillary backup to the powerful spy satellites, our whereabouts can be pinpointed to within a yard or so.
That’s a disconcerting thought and one that is light years away from the US Constitution.
In order to resist this implementation, people need to respond with enough outrage to stop the unwarranted surveillance of our citizens by the banking mafia.