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Education and Ethics Misaligned

Will Lousy Education and Ethics Lapses Continue to Cause Problems in America as the Schools and Our Children Fall Prey to the Plans of the Elite?

Public education and ethics initiatives claim that what is truly needed in schools today are better values.

Values, values, values… the teacher’s unions and parents both have been up on their soap boxes preaching about values and America’s lack of them.

This is no doubt partially in reaction to the “stunning” displays of honesty and integrity Americans get to see on the nightly news.

Madoff and Blagojevich are just a few of the shining lights out there in the real world that have parents down on their knees praying their kids don’t emulate.

But most everyone in the headlines went to school in America, so clearly the educational system is not doing a great job at imparting reasonable ethical standards to the nation’s youth.

What’s the real core of the problem with education and ethics in America?

Is it that Americans aren’t teaching their children the difference between right and wrong in the home so the schools need to do it?

Or are teachers not doing a good job of communicating proper ethical social interaction norms to students so parents need to do it?

Somebody is clearly not getting the message across or kids wouldn’t grow up and turn into the Rod Blagojevich’s and OJ Simpson’s of the world.

So what’s the solution to the crappy ethical displays citizen’s are seeing on the TV every night?

What’s the solution to the intentional dumbing down of America’s youth by the powers that want to control us?

Parental Involvement?

The schools obviously have some ideas, but many parents are (justifiably) opposed to handing over the moral education of their children to a teacher who may or may not share the family’s values.

Education and ethics lessons should begin at home to have the greatest and most lasting effects.

Ethics teaching at home keeps the government and the sordid people behind them out of the brains of our children. The reinforcement of standards at schools would be helpful.

However, different standards of moral behavior are accepted in different environments and don’t leave students with a clear sense of right and wrong.

Instead, children learn to adopt the codes of whomever they are most closely identifying with at that moment.

It’s one thing for a child to have that kind of moral flexibility, but it’s an entirely different issue when grown CEO’s and Senators exhibit that same lack of moral clarity.

National Standards?

Another answer is to adopt some kind of national standard of acceptable behavior, one created by the New World Order elite perhaps?

Education and ethics advances will be most easily put to use in a standardized environment.

Unfortunately, as with any nationalized standard, the true standard will be dumbed down and brainwashed.

That kind of manipulated standard will only exacerbate the problem.

Americans would be better off looking to their own families and ensuring that their own personal situation includes a strong education in ethics for the young people in their lives.

Citizens can change the world one person at a time, starting with the people in their own family room.

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