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Education and Social Control Theories

Education and Social Control Theories Are Implemented in Public School Settings in an Ongoing Effort to Create Students Who Can be Manipulated and Exploited.

Education and social control theories are inextricably linked. Ostensibly, social control is a form of life education.

Both areas have fallen under the control of a criminal banking mafia in order to sway opinions to their benefit.

Formal academic training is part of the socialization and therefore social control process.

It holds many valuable lessons that support and encourage life development.

However, it is also vulnerable to manipulation by those powers or forces that do not necessarily have the best interest of the individual at heart.

The education process has been manipulated in very subtle ways, to perpetuate and uphold beliefs, that support the needs and causes of the government and oligarchic elite in this country.

The process starts very early in the elementary education process, where students are ‘taught’ concepts such as “good citizenship” and patriotism.

Conformity to rules and institutional expectations are forced upon children, and any behaviors outside of those expectations are dealt with in many ways.

The milder sanctions start with public humiliation by teachers and peers.

The sanctions increase in severity to include isolation from the other children, all the way up to being sent to the principal’s office.

If they deem the act of social non-conformity is severe enough, the child’s parents may be called in, and the sanctions may include exclusion or expulsion.

This is the start of the social control process via the education system. The introduction of the “play nice or else” mentality.

Manipulation of History Curriculum

An example of how the government manipulates education and social control theories can be seen, in the manner in which history curriculums throughout the country’s education system glorify and rationalize war.

The U.S. is always portrayed as being morally righteous and engaging in warfare only as a function of moralistic altruism.

Nowhere in the process are the facts that war is a financial boon to any country, and that the U.S. has an industrial-military complex that’s rivaled by no other nation in the world.

That’s while the children of the working class poor are the soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines.

Their sons and daughters are fighting, suffering, and dying in the war.

The children of the elite and those who are in government, either get exempted from service or are relegated to billets far from any physical or mortal danger.

Barons and Captains of Industry

Another example of the how the government and the elite manipulate education and social control theories, is how the barons and captains of industry are glorified as examples to aspire to.

While much is made of the accomplishments of the Rothschilds, the Carnegies, the Melons et. al., nowhere is it discussed the ruthless and heartless tactics that these people used, to rise to their prominent positions in society and the capitalist world.

How their fortunes were built on the blood and the backs of the working class, with little or no regard for them.

Media Complicity

A final example of how education and social control theories are manipulated, is the way the government mandates that the media broadcast so-called public service announcements.

These are frequently messages that advocate a governmental program, without any form of response or debate from an opposing view.

It is done with the tacit knowledge, that if something is repeated often enough, it “becomes” fact or truth. 

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