Effects of Single Parent Families are Broken Hearts
Effects of Single Parent Families are Broken Hearts and Despair.
The major effects of single parent families are the hearts that get broken and the deep wound of separation that leads to depression.
There are some mothers that choose to raise a child without the father ever present and even in those rare circumstances the absence of the male influence during a child’s development creates challenges for that child that may or may not be overcome.
The father has abandoned most of the children who end up raised solely by the mother.
The fathers that do hang in there are usually rarely around and provide minimal financial and parenting support for the child.
The court visitation rights favoring the mother often hinder fathers that truly want to be more proactive with their children.
There are many effects of single parent families and many causes as to why one parent has lost contact or interest in raising the child.
The amount of negative effects far outweigh the advantages of single parent families.
Children that require the courts to take away the rights of one of the parents are often in abusive homes and the one parent is dangerous to the emotional and physical welfare of the child.
One of the Effects of Single Parent Families is the Deep Sadness of Broken Hearts
Long Term and Short Term Effects of Single Parent Families
Children may suffer short-term effects when the parents divorce that change with the passage of time and lessened by the maturity of both parents and their willingness to maintain the quality of life their children were use to before the family unit broke up.
Minimizing the conflicts that arise and reassuring the child of love from both parents while giving them the message that they are not the cause and should feel no guilt nor blame as to why the parents are divorcing keeps a strong foundation for the child to hold onto while they learn to adjust.
Children suffering long-term effects often come from families where the father abandoned the child or barely participates with the child’s upbringing and these children tend to lose interest in school, drop out, engage in delinquent activities and develop various unhealthy addictions.
These children tend to have poorer health and are unable to climb out of an impoverished state.
They often compound this by marrying too young and ending up divorced with their own children to raise.
Downward Spiral into Poverty and Drowning in Despair
The intentional plan of the elite bank cartels to tear down the families and to tear down the middle class is diabolical and unfortunately has been very effective.
We all must find the ways to pull all of us up and leaving no child behind as we teach and support one another how to regain our health and balance.