Elite Control of the Media Exists
Elite Control of the Media Distorts America’s Exposure to the Truth and Allows the Council on Foreign Relations to Continue Their Sinister NWO Brainwashing Campaign.
Elite control of the media suppresses the truth regarding national and world affairs to benefit global corporations and their elite owners.
Freedom of the press was a large component of the very foundation of the writing of the Constitution.
Today those freedoms are being taken away by the growing power of the banking and corporate elite who use their influence and money to buy media outlets and control the flow of information to the general public.
This control is compounded by either combining companies through mergers or using financial blackmail to oust smaller media outlets.
In 1983, fifty corporations controlled the media, but through mergers and buyouts that number has been reduced to eight.
The Council on Foreign Relations, one of the most influential groups in the world, the members of which choose each puppet president, help maintain media control on a global span.
This enables the more underhand goals of controlling governments and economies for personal gain possible.
Elite control of the media is not in the best interests of the American people because it shades our eyes from the truth, censors our honest media outlets, and violates our constitutional rights to freedom of press and freedom of speech.
As well, and perhaps worst of all, it allows the elite to usher in their New World Order without our even knowing it.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-FPAQlbmlSc&feature=emb_logoConsolidation of the Media
“In 1983, fifty corporations dominated most of every mass medium and the biggest media merger in history was a $340 million deal.
“…In 1987, the fifty companies had shrunk to twenty-nine. …In 1990, the twenty-nine had shrunk to twenty three.
“…In 1997, the biggest firms numbered ten and involved the $19 billion Disney-ABC deal, at the time the biggest media merger ever.
“…In 2000 AOL Time Warner’s $350 billion merged corporation was more than 1,000 times larger than the biggest deal of 1983.”
– Ben H. Bagdikian, The Media Monopoly, Sixth Edition, 2000 pp.xx-xxi
As larger companies continue to merge and buy smaller corporations, the media continues to be consolidated.
Elite control of the media is achieved by having the fewest number of companies control information with a unified interest in personal gain.
“It is useful to remind ourselves that free expression is threatened not just blatantly by authoritarian governments and all those in the private sector who fear public exposure, but also more subtly by the handful of global media conglomerates that have reduced meaningful diversity of expression in much of the globe.”
– Gerald Caplan, Advancing Free Media, Open Markets, Open Media Forum, 1997
This reduction and distortion of information to the public by media conglomerates creates a false since of knowledge in Americans.
Shaping ideas and beliefs under the false pretenses of censored material is a blatant attempt to skew public opinion.
Part of the problem is we’re easily susceptible to brainwashing because we tend to not question what we hear and see on the television.
The elite control of the media uses this unabashedly to their advantage.
Elite Control of the Media
The issue in regard to these publications is not the information being released, but who is controlling it and how is it being twisted to change public opinion and perception.
Controlling most of the media industries in the United States today are eight mammoth corporations. These corporations are:
- AOL-Time Warner
- Disney (ABC)
- Murdoch’s News Corporation
- Yahoo!
- Microsoft
- Viacom (CBS)
- General Electric.
These are the organizations that generate the flow of information to the American public.
The editors and owners of these publications and productions release information designed to brainwash.
If a branch of a media company produces information that is not favorable or approved by the larger corporation, then their advertising dollars are pulled away causing a company collapse or immediate change in information released.
This is a gross violation of the freedom of press and the power controlled by these conglomerates creates a monopoly on the media.
Council on Foreign Relations
The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) membership is comprised of owners of large corporations, powerful faces of the media, and government officials with extreme political influence.
This consolidation of power is a threat to the American people because it has formed a monopoly over the media, controls the opinions of Americans, and guides political policies for personal gain.
If the media continuously bashes a country we invaded and then praises the efforts made by the political elite, how are Americans going to know the difference between whether the decisions made to invade were beneficial or harmful for America?
The CFR has full control of information being released to the public through editors in the major publications who are choosing the articles and information to be released.
While studying the documents held and released by the CFR in the 1960’s, Professor Carroll Quigley made a startling discovery on the true intentions of the CFR.
“To create a world system of financial control, in private hands, able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole.”
– Professor Carroll Quigley
This control allows the CFR to distribute information that is favorable to their causes, fooling the American public into believing that government policies are the right decisions to protect the general public.
Our right to free press is being challenged by the elite control of the media. Their power and influence is only strengthened by large groups such as the CFR.