Elites Use Evolution and Human Behavior to Keep Control
Evolution And Human Behavior Are Manipulated.
Evolutionary Psychology seeks to explain – and utilize – evolution and human behavior to affect the way we interact with each other, usually in order to learn how to better manipulate us into the desired responses.
Millions, if not billions, of dollars have been spent by the elite to fund research into how best to control society.
The ultimate goal is to control the mind of every human being on the planet.
Evolution, as a scientific theory, does not even come close to adequately explaining the many facets of human character and the way humans relate to each other.
At best, it is a theory which seeks to explain biological diversity. At worst, it is practically a religion based on turning people into mere products of random forces – no better than worms or bacteria.
This view of humanity is at the root of almost every modern atrocity we have witnessed, and it is the root philosophy behind every dictatorship.
This is reason enough to question its validity, but when we realize that the science is truly questionable about evolution, the situation appears even more ominous.
Evolution is just another tool used by the elite to keep us in bondage.
It soothes their consciences, while helping us to accept that we are merely animals who need “training” and “guidance” on our climb toward “higher forms.”
Evolution and Human Behavior
Evolution and Human Behavior Keep You in the Dark
The more the human mind focuses on ideas and theories which are patently ridiculous and false, the more it becomes sluggish and malleable.
This is one of the reasons people seem to have lost their inherent love of knowledge.
In fact, knowledge has become something of a slur against those who think for themselves.
Since when is it a bad thing to have a free mind, and independent thought?
Since we have allowed ourselves to be spoon-fed our knowledge by the powers-that-be.
Only when we resist this intellectual darkness will we free ourselves from the new Dark Ages we find ourselves in today.
Decide for Yourself About Evolution and Human Behavior
It is time that we all take a critical view of the malarkey that has been shoved down our throats about the nature of Man and the nature of life.
Human beings are not simply robots in need of better programming.
We are sentient, intelligent beings with soul, purpose, and nobility built into our very nature.
We should all vow to never allow our minds to slumber again. We should be proud to be free-thinking and independent, no matter what our outward circumstances may seem to be.
Every one of us is a scientist in our own right. Only by studying for ourselves, will we ever be free to think as we see fit.