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English Revolution and Capitalism

English Revolution and Capitalism May Seem Like an Unlikely Cause and Effect, But the Truth is These Two Concepts Are Inextricably Linked.

English revolution and capitalism are ideas the elite embrace and  perpetuate because they believe capitalism forced through revolution will unite the world.

The elite are hoping to create a world in which capitalism will mean the end of individual forms of government.

They think that they know what is best for you and the rest of the world and that you cannot be trusted to make the right decisions to bring everyone together.

The elite have created trade blocs that are supposed to unite the world in capitalism as a way to get people used to work together.

The English were among the first to encounter this as they saw the emergence of the European Union (EU) taking hold all around them.

They have allowed this to happen because they also fell in love with the idea that their economy would be boosted by opening up lanes of trade between member nations.

The reason why the elite do not want for you to find any relation between English revolution and capitalism is because they do not want for you to believe that capitalism can create discord.

They did not think too much of it when disputes between countries were solved by a committee rather than between the countries themselves.

It seemed to make sense there would be a body that would be separate from the government in order to allow for more impartial decision making.

All was going well until the day they noticed they were starting to lose some of what made their country unique and that they were losing power due to their involvement.

They lost their currency which was one of the most recognized currencies in the world in terms of international exchange rates.

By losing their currency it opened their eye to a lot of other ways in which they had lost a sense of power within their nation.

Inability to Make Local Decisions

Englishmen no longer are able to go to their local government in order to get permission to make certain business changes.

They now have to go to the EU boards and ask them for permission. They are finding that all too often they are not able to do things locally because they are not in the EU’s interest.

Feeling upset that they would be denied local business decisions because they do not serve the interests of some foreign body has upset the citizens of England.

By losing their sense of country, Englishmen are ready to take up the fight to get their rights back.

Gaining Control

The elite never wanted to better the world by creating their trade blocks; they just wanted for people to believe that they would make the world a better place.

The elite just want to be able to destroy the power of the individual countries so that they can then dismantle the countries themselves.

Without the countries having control over their own trade they lose the power to make other domestic decisions that should be theirs to make.

Soon the elite will have a global trade block that will bring every continent under one form of government.

They want for you to believe that capitalism will unite the world as nothing else ever has.

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