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Essentialism in American Education

Essentialism in American Education is Anti-thought. Children in the US Are Subjected to a Corrupt Curriculum Created by the Banking Elite and Their NWO Lies.

Essentialism in American education is misinforming the youth of today.

This teaching philosophy was first conceptualized in the early 1930s to counter the child-centered approach to teaching that existed then.

One of the founding fathers of the movement was William C. Bagley who portrayed essentialism as the traditional approach to education.

Simply put, the approach aimed to provide students with the basic, essential needs of academic learning and social development.

Yet this outdated method still has an overwhelming presence in the modern-day classroom, despite the numerous global changes that have occurred over the years.

It is a conservative philosophy that positions teachers as the central authority figure in the classroom and their lessons as the focus of the curriculum.

It stunts intellectual growth and provides a skewed education that seeks to form obedient workers for the future.

The US must confront ever-rising illiteracy levels and ask whether this essentialist approach is not holding the youth back.

This conservative method of teaching is continuing to pass on a body of knowledge that is highly influenced by elitist thinking.

The truth is at the center of this tainted system which is churning out masses of ill-educated youths.

This slanted curriculum is part of the elite plot to create an illiterate, brainwashed populace.

The banking elite need a dumbed down citizenry in order to usher forth their New World Order, and this is exactly what is happening in the schools today.

Essentialism in American Education Fails

“Never let school interfere with your education.”

– Mark Twain.

Twain was right in acknowledging the crucial role that critical thinking plays in social development.

However, the dangerous Big Brother strategy orchestrated by the elite conflicts with this ideal as no American has the freedom to make their own choices anymore.

Essentialism in American education complies with this mode of thinking.

It highlights math, science and foreign languages in the curriculum as these are important tools required for the elitist plot of establishing a New World Order in which global rule will be achieved for the wealthy few.

This malicious plan will involve the eradication of all regional borders in order to ultimately implement a one world government to facilitate corporate profiteering.

Is Essentialism Outdated?

Bagley’s educational methods are now almost 80 years old and have failed to adapt to the ever-changing world in which we live.

This precise education program is the very thing that is hurtling America further into the black hole of illiteracy. This needs to change.

If students are no longer being taught to question the world around us, how will they ever expose corrupt leaders in the future who are conspiring with the global elite to attain world-wide domination?

While essentialism in American education claims to instill in students the values required to create model citizens, the opposite is being accomplished.

Dumbing Down the Country

Instead, the masses are ill-educated, brainwashed into supporting a corrupt government, and idolize leaders who are leading them astray.

Currently over 100 million Americans in the workforce do not have the skills required for the 21st century economy and this is only going to worsen with time.

Independent thinking is vital to distinguish between illusion and fact.

The global elite are aware of this which is why they are depriving people of their mental capacity by continuing such an obsolete teaching system.

The elite who have a major stake in the nation’s education are solely concerned with dumbing down the majority.

The essentialist way of thinking is the exact approach that is keeping progressive thinking and creative invention at bay. 

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