Examples of Cyberbullying
How can Examples of Cyberbullying Help Create a Fascist Society?
Within the modern structure of American society we have become too frightened to function or even think straight because of the apparent madness happening in the world.
Every time we turn on the FOX News Network we are hearing about wars, terrorism, flu epidemics, child porn rings, economic depressions and the constant threat on our national security.
We fear for our survival more than any other time in human history and scramble to give our power away to the elite forces that are the real architects of our problems.
When our survival mechanisms control our way of thinking, we will allow almost anything to happen for the sake of a solution to our problems.
Did you ever think that the problems were engineered by the same people who provide the solution to our survival?
Examples of cyberbullying or terrorist attacks on the civilian population are usually followed by changes in legislation that we virtually beg to be imposed to protect our survival.
Do people realize that the CIA are one of the biggest drug dealers in the world and flooded inner-city areas with crack cocaine during the late 1980s?
Since the two Afghanistan wars over the past 30 years, heroin has cascaded onto the streets of Europe and America in cheaper and more quantities than ever before.
Scaremongering for a Fascist Future
The elite ruling families of the world will create scenarios with destabilization tactics in order to impose stricter laws that infringe upon our freedom, in the name of helping us!
Look at how examples of cyberbullying have been used to push through the Megan Meier Cyberbullying Prevention Act, which seems like an honorable bill to protect people from harassment when using the internet, e-mails, text messaging and our cellular phones.
When in reality the law is being adopted to curb free speech and personal opinions on the internet under the guise of doing the right thing for the children.
In the wake of the Oklahoma bombings, Bill Clinton pushed through legislation which allowed more army personnel on our streets.
The fear of terrorist attacks and our national security were more than enough to scare us into accepting whatever they decided would help us to survive more easily.
The CIA helped to flood our streets with narcotics, so the crime rate and depravity would escalate out of all proportion in the inner-cities.
Every time we turn on the news we hear of gang related black-black crimes.
The destabilization tactics of our ruling controllers keep us in a perpetual state of fear, which provides the atmosphere to create a new world order amongst the chaos.
Fear Factor Society
Using examples of cyberbullying and terrorism are vital ingredients of the grand manipulation that cunningly shapes our perception on modern day society.
The proceeding legislations in the wake of those manmade problems are used to oppress our opinions and critical thought patterns to the point we become totally submissive to what the ruling elitists are doing with our country.
First they take away your voices, then they take away your guns and before you know, you are living in a fascist dictatorship with no way out.
It’s time for us to stick together and overpower the satanic elite families who spread fear and disease throughout the world.