Facts About RFID in America
Facts About RFID Reveal Dangers to Privacy & Freedom. The Goal of the New World Order is to Fit Every Human With an Implanted RFID Chip to Control Every Aspect of Life.
There are some negative facts about RFID, or Radio Frequency Identification, that you need to know so you can be prepared for the reality and onslaught of this new technology.
These devices are capable of identifying and tracking individuals.
It’s important to note there are hundreds of RFID applications that are useful and secure, many of which are already being used around the world by companies and corporations.
You don’t hear about these applications because they are unremarkable and do exactly what they’re supposed to do without a negative impact.
Where the problems start is when Radio Frequency Identification tags and chips are used in ways that infringe on the privacy rights of the people using them or affected by them.
While it can be said RFID tagging comes with many advantages such as tracking products, animals, and people, it also can be said using RFID cannot come at the expense of security, rights of privacy, or health and environmental issues.
With advances in technology there also comes the issue of implementing this technology so it is used correctly and safely.
And when it comes to facts about RFID, it’s important to talk about the personal data that can be carried on Radio Frequency Identification tags.
Any company, corporation, or government that uses RFID needs to make a clear distinction between personal data and non-personal data so privacy and security issues aren’t jeopardized.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zg1VKJUrxi4&feature=emb_logoHealth Risks from RFID
Even though the technology experts behind Radio Frequency Identification will tell you it’s safe, there are many questions about the health risks associated with the use of low frequency radio waves.
Not to mention the readers, scanners, and sensors used with RFID tags.
Studies are now being done which indicate there are potential health risks from the radiation caused by the Radio Frequency Identification wireless scanners.
In particular, when it comes to facts about RFID, these studies are concerned with the cumulative effects of exposure.
The European Commission has been monitoring the effects of EMFs, or electromagnetic fields, on the health of human beings.
European regulations put a limit on the amount of EMF exposure considered to be safe.
Although the amount of EMFs associated with RFID is low, the European Commission continues to monitor and study the effects.
Tracking Students with RFID
In January of 2005, students in the Brittan School District of Northern California were sent home with identification badges that were embedded with an RFID tag.
Information on the tag included the student’s name, their photo, the name of the school, the grade they were in, the class year, and an ID number of four digits.
When the students were on school property they were required to display the badge at all times.
Parents were outraged the school district was forcing their children to be tracked with a Radio Frequency Identification tag without first getting the consent of parents.
One of the big issues was that if a predator of children wanted to get information about a certain child all they would have to do is obtain a card reader and they would have access to enough information to target the child.
Parents filed an official complaint against the school board.
The ACLU of Northern California (ACLU-NC) sent a letter to the Brittan Board of Trustees stating the use of Radio Frequency Identification tags in schools was inappropriate as it jeopardized the security and safety of children.
The outcome of this was the use of the RFID was discontinued.
Facts About RFID
Other facts about RFID important to note are that the use of Radio Frequency Identification tags can allow anyone with a scanner and reader to access not only information contained on the tag, but also to track the movements of anyone carrying the object in which the RFID tag is embedded.
RFID will soon be found everywhere: on credit cards, on your driver’s license, on the products you buy from the store, on your car, and on your passport.
Wal-Mart has already mandated its suppliers switch from using bar codes to using RFID tags for the purpose of being better able to manage their store inventories.
What all of this means is that any time you buy a product with an RFID tag embedded in it, your movements can be tracked.
And RFID on your ID cards will broadcast to anyone listening exactly who you are.
This makes surveillance by corporations and governments, and not to mention thieves, totally possible.
Big Brother will become a reality as our personal information and preferences are exposed for anyone through Radio Frequency Identification technology.