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Facts About the Federal Reserve II

Frightening Facts About the Federal Reserve Includes the Actuality That it in no Way Helps the American People but Rather Facilitates Our Financial Enslavement.

The first of facts about the Federal Reserve to know is that it is more than a bank; it is an entire banking system, which controls everything and everyone in the United States.

It is never audited, it is privately owned and its proceedings are never made public.

One of the scariest facts about the Federal Reserve is that US citizens are not free to know much more about it than that because it operates in secret.

And yet the Fed rules the U.S. economy and everyone and everything within it.

There are certain points known about the Federal Reserve System but they certainly do not add up to much.

The Federal Reserve Act was passed in 1913 on President Woodrow Wilson’s watch.

The Fed consists of twelve regional Reserve Banks, namely Boston, Chicago, New York, St Louis, Philadelphia, Minneapolis, Cleveland, Kansas City, Richmond, Dallas, Atlanta, and San Francisco.

These are, in turn, owned by shareholders and there one hits a dead end because these Federal Reserve Banks are not publicly traded corporations.

They are not required by the Securities and Exchange Commission to publish a list of their major shareholders.

These banks could be owned by practically anyone, American or foreign.

We do know that private banking families with ancient ties to the Illuminati are shareholders, we just don’t know who every single one of them is and who the current family members are.

The Federal Reserve Act is the ultimate repository of facts about the Federal Reserve System when it comes to its jurisdiction and operations.

Only one organization in the U.S. may print banknotes, the Fed. Currently, not even the government may print money even though the Constitution gives that power to Congress alone.

Funding Government for a Price

The government gets its money by borrowing it from the Federal Reserve Bank. This does not come free.

The government pays hefty interest on the loans and to pay the interest the government has only one source, taxes.

When you pay income tax you are not paying for social services you get from the government.

Taxpayers are paying interest on the debt the government has incurred from the Federal Reserve Bank.

As this runs into countless trillions of dollars, there is no question of the principal being repaid.

At some point the entire Ponzi scheme must collapse. One of the most important facts about the Federal Reserve system is that the bank notes and coins printed by the mint at the behest of the Fed don’t have any intrinsic value.

Despite President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s attempts to get the dollar off the gold standard entirely, the Bretton Woods meeting occurred in 1944.

730 delegates from all 44 allied nations of the world met to discuss the world monetary system and managed to force the U.S. to link its currency to gold by valuing it at $35 per ounce.

That was scrapped in 1973 by President Richard Nixon, and since then the dollar has floated freely.

Now, the Fed can print as much money as it likes without any reserves and it does just that. Who wouldn’t if they owned a mint?

They also allow the free use of fractional reserve banking which allows banks to loan out money they don’t have and force the recipients to pay the entire amount back with interest.

Fractional Reserve Banking Scam

As if an all-powerful private, central bank wasn’t dangerous enough, this other factor known as fractional reserve banking makes the situation even more dire.

Any bank, the Fed included, that lends money does not actually need to have that money in its possession in order to lend it.

As long as it holds a certain small percentage of the deposits made, it can lend out massive amounts of money it doesn’t posses and have these loans paid back in full. Money out of nothing.

In cases where a bank over-lends or lends to bad debtors (as happened with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac) all the Fed does is print lots of money (actually all it needs to do is punch a few numbers into a computer) and the shortfall is covered.

More Facts About the Federal Reserve System

The bankers understand the people who control the printing of the money control the country.

The politicians know the banks rule the roost. One American president, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, decided to go against the Fed.

In 1963, he issued Executive Order 11110, which enabled the government itself to print money. What’s more, the money was redeemable for silver.

As could have been expected, people migrated to this new, valuable money in droves, and the banking cartel saw its power threatened.

JFK was shot dead by a sniper in Dallas, Texas. Following his death the so-called Silver Certificates were withdrawn from circulation.

Thomas Jefferson Warned of Fed Perils

President Thomas Jefferson held office from 1801-1809 and his words are often quoted when facts about the Federal Reserve System are under discussion.

He and other founders foresaw the inherent dangers of the private control of money.

“If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.”

-Thomas Jefferson, Third President of the United States.

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