Federal Income Tax Filing and US Citizens
Is Federal Income Tax Filing Constitutional?
Many people today believe Federal income tax filing is unconstitutional.
A libertarian viewpoint proposes the existence of a natural right to enjoy all the fruits of ones own labour.
Many libertarians point to the ninth Amendment to back this argument up.
They argue that taxation of income is an infringement of this ninth Amendment right.
Under this argument, income taxation offers the federal government a technique to radically diminish the power of the states because the federal government is in able to distribute funding to states with conditions attached, often giving the states no choice but to submit to federal demands.
There are also a plethora of questions surrounding the 16th Amendment and especially surrounding the ratification of the amendment and the number of states which supposedly ratified it.
The question about whether or not to submit a federal income tax filing is a very difficult one and must be addressed on an individual basis.
One thing we can say for certain is that individuals who fail to file a federal income tax return are subject to severe penalties under the law.
Recent documentary films and the rise of the tax honesty movement has encouraged more and more people to withhold their tax revenue from the federal government which would otherwise be due under the federal income tax laws.
A common argument cited by them is that there is no law to compel them to submit a federal income tax filing.
The Federal Government, the IRS and the Courts
It’s Up to You Bubba
The courts have been very clear in her rulings that this is not the case, but the perception remains widely rooted, especially on the Internet, that the 16th Amendment was not ratified and that an income tax filing isn’t required by individuals living within the continental United States.
Tax honesty advocates have been very quick to point out that people should not withhold their tax returns and file as normal because the penalties which are being meted out to opponents of the federal income tax are a very severe indeed.
These penalties include back taxes, interest, penalties, bankruptcy and even lengthy prison sentences.
I Fought the Law and the Law Won
While it would give us great pleasure to be able to actively encourage you to withhold your federal income tax filing, we believe this would be incredibly irresponsible.
At this moment in time, it really doesn’t matter what the law is.
We must take a position on what your actions are and what the likely punishment you will receive would be.
if you do not make an income tax filing, sooner or later you will be liable for the tax which would have otherwise been due and you may also get additional penalties.
The situation regarding the legality of the federal income tax has been addressed by the courts and despite what is mentioned on various documentary films circulating the Internet, you should pay.