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Federal Reserve is Defrauding U.S.

The Reason the Federal Reserve is Defrauding the Public is to Give Control to the Elite. They Have Taken Absolute Charge of Our Financial and Political Systems.

The Federal Reserve is defrauding the American public.

The elite, who own and operate the Federal Reserve, have always gained more power through lying to the American people, as is evidenced by the fact that they are defrauding American citizens.

If for no other reason, the elite should be ashamed of the fact that they have created a society where the currency has no real value.

The currency that is used in America is what is known as a fiat currency which comes from the Latin word meaning: let it be done.

The reason that it is called this is because the only value that the currency has is the value that the people in the nation assign to it.

Most people believe that the currency has a value that is backed up by something of value though they do not know what it is.

They are thinking about the gold standard, but they do not know this as it has not been taught in public schools for some time.

The elite do not want for people to know that the money that they use originally, was backed up by the equivalent value of gold.

This gold was stolen from the American people as a way to make their lives more convenient because they would not have to carry around heavy sacks filled with gold coins anymore.

They turned in their gold only to be issued a piece of paper that represented the gold amount that they just turned in.

The idea of the time was that they would be able to turn in the notes at any time to recover the same amount of gold in return.

The problem is, that over time, more money was printed than there is gold to back it up making the gold standard a thing of the past.

In fact, the gold standard that the currency is supposed to be based on, has not been observed for over a century in this country.

The elite have worked very hard not to get you to question the value of the currency in order to make sure that there is not a downturn in the economy.

If people were more aware of the fact that the currency was not even worth the paper that it was printed on, than there would be push to horde gold and silver.

This would cause a quick and certain inflation based on the fact that the Federal Reserve is defrauding the American people into believing their lies.

Money for Nothing

The elite have made sure that the Federal Reserve is defrauding the very government that gives them power by stealing the taxes of the American people.

They do this by making loans to the government based on a currency that has no value.

They then make money off the interest that they charge the government for the loan. In this way, they are able to make money out of thin air.

This is the greatest magic trick that has ever been created since the emperor got his new wardrobe.

Take Back the Fed

Knowing that the Federal Reserve is defrauding the American people, it is time to make a change.

The elite would like to see the reserve destroyed in order to clear a path for creating a world reserve bank that would print the common currency used in global trading.

The idea would be not to destroy the system, but to create a new system that would take over the power of the reserve bank.

In this way, the corrupt power could be removed without giving a path to even greater corrupt power.

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