Georgia Guide Stones
Many Believe the Georgia Guide Stones Send a Clear and Unmitigated Message to the World. They Claim the Stones Outline the Global Elite Commandments for the Planet’s Future.
The Georgia Guide Stones were erected in 1980 in one of the highest points in Georgia in a remote location by parties unknown.
They are 19 feet tall granite monoliths which have been carefully prepared with engraved writing.
An intermediary was used in order to hire the stonemason and to facilitate the financial transaction.
The local bank manager acted as a go-between between R.C. Christian and the stonemason.
The bank manager had to confirm that the man who called himself R.C. Christian was able to pay for the work which he commission.
It is estimated that the Georgia guide stones cost $100,000 in 1980, not including transport or labour.
Considering the size of these monoliths, it isn’t impossible to add another $50,000 to the total.
The inflation adjusted cost of the Georgia guide is could be over $700,000 in $2009.
Why would anyone go to the expense of spending almost $1 million on granite monoliths on a hill in the middle of nowhere?
This question has vexed people for almost 30 years and is the subject of intense speculation particularly when we consider the writing on the stones.
In addition to the writing on the stones, which they have been arranged with astrological significance, so the obvious comparisons to the solar cult which formed from early, biblically based Christianity, cannot be ignored.
The stones have what many people believe are a new set of 10 Commandments.
Expensive Hoax or Message from Invisible Powers?
The actors behind this chilling message or expensive hoax are still today not known. Many people regard the messages as anti-humanist and Communist.
- Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
- Guide reproduction wisely-improving fitness and diversity.
- Unite humanity with a living new language.
- Rule Passion-Faith-Tradition-and all things with tempered reason.
- Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
- Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
- Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
- Balance personal rights with social duties.
- Prize truth-beauty-love-seeking harmony with the infinite.
- Be not a cancer on the earth – Leave room for nature – Leave room for nature.
All of these messages seem very benign until we realise that a population on the planet Earth of less than 500 million people would require a 92% mortality rate in today’s population.
The mortality rate required is increasing all the time as the population grows.
Global Depopulation
The famous Club of Rome report which formed the basis of agenda 21 which talked about the constraints on human population growth in 1972 and the equally famous Gaia hypothesis which posited that the Earth was a living organism on which we were essentially a cancer, are both interesting in their proximity to the erection of the stones.
There are indeed constraints on the planet’s ability to harbour human life.
Many liberty campaigners today believe that the Georgia guide stones send a very chilling message.
They believe that there is an elitist and globalist agenda to rid the world of a huge portion of its population.
The Georgia guide stones are one of the best clues we have that this agenda could in fact be real.