Giant American Corrupt Pharmaceutical Companies Create New Markets on Fear and Lies
Corrupt Pharmaceutical Companies Endanger Us With Shoddy Research, Inadequate Testing, More.
Dirty drug companies now spend more than 80% of their Research and Development budgets on marketing strategies rather than researching and developing new drugs or improving the efficacy or safety of the old ones.
Drug companies already enjoy the highest profit margins of any industry.
This, while death as a result of the side effects of prescription medication has risen to the third most frequent cause of premature death in America, behind cancer and diabetes.
Companies devote billions of dollars to finding or creating new markets, providing kickbacks or bribes for doctors and clinics.
Additional monies are spent by corrupt pharmaceutical companies recycling old drugs; by renaming them, bringing them back out under a new name, and passing them off as a new breakthrough.
Drugs are not the only thing they are cycling: they are also in the business of recycling public perception of normal, and doctors are in on it, too.
Basing new ranges for normal on alarmingly few, small studies, while “casting out” studies which results vary from the desired effect or result, drug companies finance the identification of a lucrative new market.
The 30 point decrease in the newly identified “safe” range for LDL cholesterol, for example, led directly to a nearly 20% increase in the number of people whom doctors could now alarm with their new status of “at risk” for heart attack and stroke.
All funded by, researched by, published by and now prescribed by people who directly stand to make a profit from the studies and the drugs.
And the viewers at home thought it was all done for their benefit, out of the goodness of the hearts of the corrupt pharmaceutical companies involved!
Take a look at the video that follows to uncover some of the other even more nefarious motives and practices in pharmaceuticals.
Drugs in Drinking Water Mind Control and Others: MUST WATCH!
Narrowing “Normal” Corrupt Pharmaceutical Companies Place Citizens at Risk
After 3-5 small studies, many University medical centers have shifted the “normal” range for blood pressures and cholesterol levels.
This means that “normal” now includes fewer and fewer values.
Therefore, more and more people are being diagnosed as “at risk,” resulting in a dramatic rise in the number of prescriptions being written for the latest “statin” drug prescriptions.
How does this demonstrate the assertion of corrupt pharmaceutical companies?
One need only look at the funding sources for university medical research programs.
Most funding comes through two sources; drug companies and government grants.
Drug companies maintain active lobbies in Washington, influencing many agencies and legislators
Results reported from any scientific study are totally dependent upon the style and nature of the question being asked, and this in turn is dependent upon the source of the funding behind the question.
Likewise, a newsman’s camera will be focused on the things or people of interest to the owner or editor.
The people and objects outside the newsman’s viewfinder, won’t show in the news, although they were present in reality.
If It’s all in my Head, who Planted It there?
Media reporting on university studies to consumers convinces them there is a new disease, and corrupt pharmaceutical companies advertise their”new miracle drug” cure.
If patients do not rush in to physicians to demand the new cure, drug companies have that base covered by bribing doctors to push the newest pills.
Working in collusion are regulatory agents and officers who certify fraudulent results, pass drugs for broad distribution before adequate testing is complete and thereby endanger thousands of lives daily.
And a public complacently striving for a comfortable quick fix to problems largely of their own making across years of unhealthy habituation marches calmly in to be served up their costly daily dose of poison.
Government, drug companies, universities, doctors, insurance companies, major media, and a complacent corpulent public unwilling to give up the junk food diet of ideas any more than the biggie size of fries; mix it up with exorbitant profits to shareholders and CEOs without a conscience and it’s a recipe for disaster, except for the lawyers on both sides who stand to make plenty from the lawsuits that inevitably result.