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Global Elite Manipulate George Bush

Manipulate George Bush: Bush is a Pawn of the Global Elite and Their Agenda of World Domination. 

Global elite manipulate George Bush? 

The manipulation of former President George Bush is exactly what happening during the entire Bush administration. 

Bush was the working puppet of the elite and was put into the White House to manipulate us and take away our rights and freedoms. 

Much of what Bush did appeared to “protect” us from terrorism but even our fear of terrorism was created by the global elite to make it easier for Bush to do the job they had assigned him. 

George Bush was great at manipulating the truth and ignoring the facts. 

And when it came time to vote Bush in for a second term in office, he said and did anything to gain as many votes from the American people as he possibly could. 

Once Bush had been elected for a second time he had his reasons ready as to why so many of the promises he had made to get those votes wouldn’t and couldn’t be honored. 

It was easy for the global elite to manipulate George Bush since he was always part of their original plan for domination of the United States. 

The global elite have hand-picked every president based on knowing exactly who they had on their side and who they needed to make sure wasn’t voted into the White House. 

Perhaps the most important way that the elite were able to use Bush to influence us was keeping us all under control through fear. 


Using Fear to Manipulate 

Using fear to keep people under control is one way the global elite knows is sure to work.

The Bush administration was great for keeping American citizens scared about all aspects of life: the failing economy, the financial crisis, the war on terror.

And these are just a few of the fear tactics used by the Bush administration. 

It’s important to remember that Bush wasn’t acting alone and that it was the global elite who were able to manipulate George Bush into doing whatever they needed him to do.

The elite kept us under control by raising taxes and killing the economy. 

After all, the elite know that a population that is poor is much too focused on their own lives to pay attention to what’s really happening around the world. 

Spreading the Word of Terrorism 

The fear of terrorism is in realty the propaganda of terrorism.

All the global elite had to do was create a fearful situation, such as 9/11, and then manipulate George Bush into spreading the word about how terrorists were aiming to destroy the United States. 

After thousands of people died on 9/11 it was easy for Bush to do what he wanted in the name of the war on terror. 

Bush had no intention of easing our fears with legitimate polices and actions that fought against terrorists.

He wanted to make us even more afraid so that we believed he was the only one who could save us. 

Every time American citizens go to the polls it’s fearful issues that are making them afraid that are at the top of the ballot platforms.

Terrorism, the economy, failing banks, and global warming.

All of these fears have been created and blown out of proportion by the global elite and our own government to make us do what they want. 

It was Easy to Manipulate George Bush

George Bush had been well primed for the presidency so it was easy for him to be manipulated into doing whatever the global elite needed him to do.

And the majority of Americans believed everything that Bush had to tell them, hanging onto his every word about how he would never let any harm come to this country. 

Politicians have always manipulated us by appealing to what we’re feeling.

Whether it’s fear, hope, terror, or confusion, politicians have always used our emotions to gain the votes they need to bring them into power. 

We need to start thinking for ourselves and stop believing everything those in power are telling us is true.

We need to remember that everything we’re being told is false and only part of the agenda of the global elite to build the new world order.

Once they’ve built their new world order there won’t be any room in it for average American citizens. 

This means that now is the time to stand up and recognize how we’re being manipulated and influenced without our knowledge.

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