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Global Positioning Solutions are Invasive

Global Positioning Solutions Make it Easy for the U.S. Government to Spy on U.S. Citizens and Deconstruct Our Constitutional Right to Privacy & Limited Govt.

Global positioning solutions create an environment of invasive tracking of each individual.

Our U.S. government and businesses have for years concentrated on becoming experts in conducting spy activities against foreign nations and even its own citizens.

After decades of being under the critical eye of government officials, Americans and people abroad are beginning to notice the U.S. government’s ability to undermine the integrity of the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

The U.S. Constitution, which was built upon the principles of free will and liberty, is slowly being chipped away by, because today’s politicians are certain that bending laws to meet their agendas is perfectly acceptable.

President John F. Kennedy once said, “A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people”.

Global positioning solutions have been examined and scrutinized by critics as long as they have been around.

The United States government owns the global positioning system, and the United States Department of Defense (USDOD) maintains it.

The United States has complete control over the world GPS system. If this all sounds a bit far-fetched, read the fine print.

The American game plan to gain intelligence information on all countries and private citizens is documented explicitly in both government documents and websites all over the internet.

Global positioning solutions have enabled the government to pinpoint the exact locations of individuals and groups.

You can download a version of Google Earth that allows you to pinpoint government installed GPS sites around the United States.

Apparently, the government has suspicions that its citizens are up to no good.

Or, perhaps more appropriately, it is looking for an excuse to catch people violating laws they did not know existed in order to show its muscle.

If that’s not outright political control and fear-mongering, then what is?

Another reason the government does not want us to know about these satellites is because it threatens clandestine spy activities currently being implemented by the U.S. military and governmental systems.

Not to mention the fact that we are being tracked using RFID tracking chips and satellites perched high above in space.

Global Positioning Solutions Maximize Government Supremacy

By setting differently sized satellites, many of which are large and upward pointing, it makes it easier the U.S. government to reach the gas and oil industries.

Many global positioning systems involve the use of military intervention.

These tactics have long been in place, and are used consistently to determine decisive military actions.

Global positioning solutions have long been successful in helping the United States launch wars.

This ultimately contradicts America’s ideology of promoting peace in both its own country as well as around the world.

Nuclear Proliferation an the Role of Global Positioning Solutions

If the United States sees nothing wrong with spying on its own citizens, then it certainly will not have a problem gaining the upper hand on its global allies.

To understand why global GPS is such an integral part of U.S. military and government operations, take a look at the history of nuclear proliferation in the United States.

The access of information regarding nuclear weapons is maintained by the U.S. Department of Defense, and according to experts, could pose a threat to the country at large.

There is concern that leaders of powerful nations such as China and Russia may at some point gain access to U.S. information regarding nuclear weapons and use it to their benefit.

The U.S. government believes it is critical that the U.S. keep clandestine defense weaponry creation under wraps.

Efforts to do this in the past have been somewhat successful, but leaving this information open via satellite makes it vulnerable, and as a result, may make it easier for another world war to break out.

In fact, it has been speculated by politicians that U.S. Intelligence is not far enough advanced to combat terrorism, should it touch American shores.

U.S. Betrayal of Its Own Citizens

The U.S. government system is structured in such a way that citizens have few rights, and the government makes no attempt to give these rights back to citizens.

Instead, spying on the activities of normal American citizens is perfectly legitimate in the government’s eyes.

Government GPS systems are recording people’s telephone and email conversations as we speak, and this has been going on for some time now.

The mere fact that there was controversy over Barrack Obama having a Smartphone suggests that sensitive U.S. intelligence information is vulnerable to satellite technology.

This is in fact a threat to American national security and the interests of countries the U.S. fights to protect.

This in turn may make it more difficult for the United States to build amicable relations with foreign countries in the near and not so distant future.

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