Global Positioning Technology Has Many Applications
Global Positioning Technology is Promoting Newer Applications to Keep More People Using It.
Global Positioning Technology heavily promoted to hook more people into using it and the more people use it the more the government can tap into our private lives.
FISA or the foreign intelligence surveillance act what really the only law protecting citizens and it was upholding the fourth amendment rights while making it clear that electronic searches could not occur without a warrant.
Thanks to President Bush an amendments was past in 2008 to wipe out that protection and to give the NSA or national security agent the ability to tap into our phones and spy on us with the gps systems 24/7 and without a warrant.
The global positioning technology and its applications have really taken off since then and now the gps is loaded into the cell phones and anything from keeping exact time to surveying is heavily promoted to get those personal gps systems up and running.
The tracking by the government is to gather data into their massive global data banks along with our biometrics coming in from state driver’s license and other means.
All this data is for one purpose to target an individual should that individual appear to be an enemy of the new world order.
Most of us are enjoying our personal cell phones and gps systems and are pleased with the ease and convenience of connecting with our friends and family and going out on an adventure without getting lost.
The thing to consider is at what expense to our freedoms are we using this technology.
Global Positioning Technology Promotes Uses
How Global Positioning Technology Works
The receiver will calculate its exact position by synchronizing with the signals sent by the gps satellites.
The manmade satellites are orbiting high above the Earth to transmit specific radio frequencies that travel at the speed of light.
There are 24 satellites orbiting around the Earth and both sides of the Earth have 12 satellites to access.
Each of these satellites continually transmits mathematical messages that will tell time, their exact orbit and the approximate orbits of the other 23.
The GPS receiver will measure the time it takes for a satellite message to come in and will compute the distance between the satellites.
Geometry using trilateration combines the distances with the location of the satellites and that determines the receiver’s location and other data such as how long it will take to reach a destination point.
Trilateration and Reason to Have Four Instead of Three Satellites
Trilateration is a method used to determine the intersections of three individual sphere surfaces by using geometry to measure their centers and radii.
Trilateration traditionally used to locate lightning strikes by having detectors the have the same clocking system to determine the variables in the arrival of radio-frequency emissions that accompany a strike.
This determines the distances from the detectors to the lightning strike. GPS tracking system uses the same method.
Three satellites will allow for the position but not for time when traveling at the speed of light so the receiver will pick up four satellites to correct the clock in the receiver.
Some receivers do not need the fourth satellite and there are many variables depending upon the reasons why the GPS is used.