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GM Companies Lie About Genetically Modified Crop Benefits

There Are Absolutely No Genetically Modified Crop Benefits.

A search for genetically modified crop benefits will be futile, because they do more harm than good. 

The proponents of GM crops claim that GM food is better tasting, more nutritional, and has the ability to feed more people due to higher yield. 

These claims are either false or unsubstantiated, and neglect to address the alarming issues involved with genetically modified crops. 

GM crops are invasive, because the seeds can be transferred from a GM field to a non-GM field by means of wind, pollination, or other means (including malicious and surreptitious spreading by human means). 

Monsanto owns the patents on their genetically modified seeds, which they vigorously protect. 

Therefore Monsanto can and will successfully sue farmers who are ‘caught’ using GM seeds without purchasing them – even if those farmers honestly have no idea how those seeds got onto their fields. 

In this manner, Monsanto has terrorized many farmers and put them out of business. 

Armed with their patents and aided by the invasive nature of GM seeds, Monsanto is on the road to owning the world’s seeds and controlling the production of crops – in essence, forging a monopoly on the world’s food supply, despite the lack of genetically modified crop benefits. 

Exploring the Truth About GM Crops

Forces Dependence on Monsanto

Monsanto is pushing their GM seeds on farmers in both developed and developing countries.

Farmers using Monsanto seeds are utterly dependent on Monsanto for three reasons: 

1. Seed saving is prohibited. Farmers are not allowed to save seeds from year to year, as has been practiced by farmers for centuries. They must buy new seeds each year, which means more profits for Monsanto. 

2. In order for the GM seeds to prosper, farmers must spray them with RoundUp, an herbicide that is manufactured by Monsanto. This also brings more profits for Monsanto. 

3. After farming with GM seeds and spraying the fields with RoundUp, the fields will not be able to grow any non-GM crops because the toxic soil will kill the plants. This secures the farmers’ dependence on Monsanto, which in turn promises Monsanto more profits. 

In this way, Monsanto’s desire for global food domination is obvious. Given their unscrupulous tactics, they are not a company to be trusted. 

Lies Propagated by Monsanto

RoundUp is an incredibly strong chemical herbicide that is toxic to humans, plants and animals.

Monsanto claimed for many years that RoundUp was biodegradable, but tests proved otherwise.

Their “biodegradable” claim had to be taken off of their packaging, because it was false advertising. 

Additionally, Monsanto is guilty of providing slanted studies on the alleged genetically modified crop benefits from using their products.

Scientists hired by Monsanto to run studies were caught falsifying data by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 

Let’s not forget that Monsanto is the company responsible for the use of Agent Orange during the Vietnam War.

Given their track record, Monsanto is not a company that cares for human or environmental health. 

Poisoning the Populace

The people have the right to know if the foods they are eating contain genetically modified organisms.

Yet the FDA bows to intense pressure from the biotech industry, and refuses to require labeling or testing of GM foods.

Not being allowed to know what we are eating is an infringement of our individual rights. 

Despite the lack of genetically modified crop benefits, the government condones GM foods.

The lack of nutrients in these foods results in a population that is mentally and physically weak. Such a population is more compliant and docile, easier to control. 

From the fluoride in our water supply (which has links to lowering IQ and causing cancer) to the harmful and unnecessary pharmaceuticals prescribed by the mental health industry, the government allows and even encourages the contamination of our bodies and our environment.

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