Government Global Positioning System Tracking Cell Phones to Track People
Global Positioning System Tracking Cell Phones is Just One More Step Toward Enslaving American Citizens.
The government uses global positioning system tracking cell phone technology to keep tabs on American citizens.
The government doesn’t admit to this nefarious purpose for GPS cell phone tracking.
In fact, many GPS phones advertise this feature as a desirable option for any cell phone user; the ability to figure out where you are, and find directions to anywhere, directly from the cell phone.
They don’t tell you that the government is in league with big corporations to get people to buy this GPS tracking technology, so the government can keep tabs on where everyone is located.
Think about it: if your phone knows where you are by communicating with satellites, whoever controls the satellites has the same information.
The government controls the satellites.
Companies even make software so that you can not only reveal your location to the government using global positioning system tracking cell technology, but you can reveal the whereabouts of your friends and acquaintances, too.
The iPhone, in addition to other popular GPS phones, has software that you can use to share your location with friends; thereby making it that much easier to track both you and your friends, even when one of you is out of satellite range.
The government doesn’t want you to know it’s using GPS technology to track you, so it calls this technology a modern marvel and convinces you to buy it for your own entertainment.
The Government Tracking Cell Phones to Track You
Companies Promote GPS Technology as Selling Point
Not only is the government using global positioning system tracking cell technology to locate you and follow your whereabouts, but it’s in cahoots with big business to get you to pay for the privilege.
Think about cell phones. You pay more for cell phones that have GPS capabilities, because that’s listed as a desirable feature by the manufacturer.
Not only are you giving the government a direct link to your whereabouts when you use those phones, but you pay more for the opportunity to help the government track you.
RFID Technology Cell Phones Tightens the Noose
Credit card companies are now partnering with RFID manufacturers to make a scan-and-go sticker that attaches to your cell phone which you can use to pay for purchases.
This RFID sticker is linked to your bank account, and pulls money directly from your account when you swipe the sticker to make a purchase.
What many people don’t realize is that this just gives the government one more way to track you.
Not only does global positioning system tracking cell technology give the government a way to trace your location, but these RFID stickers can even track what you purchase.
The government is leading American citizens to this technology like lambs to the slaughter, and people don’t realize what is happening.
They don’t fight back. They actually pay for the honor of having their rights violated and government invasion of privacy.
Don’t fall victim to the latest scam in GPS tracking technology. Avoid GPS cell phones if you don’t want the government tracking your location.
And beware RFID tracking chips in any form to avoid giving big corporations big power over you.