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GPS Global Positioning is Government Spying

The GPS Global Positioning System is Used by the U.S. Government to Spy on Innocent Citizens. 

A world in which the government knows ones whereabouts at all times may seem like the work of a science fiction novel.

But with the development and usage of RFID technology, the mass usage of this is right around the corner.

Radio – frequency identification (RFID) is being used today in various forms, and the ultimate goal of the conspirators is to have each and every person monitored as soon as possible.

Advertisement campaigns are in use to east concerns and create a feeling of necessity for the use of the Verichip.

Citizens are told of the benefits of the identification procedure and convinced that the usage of the technology will make the world a better place.

But it seems that the consequences of the Verichip are much more negative than positive.

If there is a database that contains information concerning each person?

Whereabouts at all times, could it be only a matter of time before these devices are being used to control our thoughts and emotions?

Through tracking devices such as gps global positioning, and RFID chips, society is getting closer and closer to the absolute control of a slave state.

Each Step Moves the World Closer to the Ultimate Goal

The usage of the chips are being perpetuated by mainstream media as if they are commonplace.

Popular television shows talk about the technology and list the benefits as if there is no controversy to the application of the items whatsoever.

Urban myths have even been dispelled on TV, as if this is necessary so we all know that the RFID chip is a safe, and responsible practice.

While the government sells the public on the practical and efficient uses of gps global positioning units and RFID chips, a movement is underfoot to help society realize the impending danger of implants and information gathering through technology, and how important is it to hold tight to personal privacy.

Messages Hidden in Plain Sight

Even the simple – minded could figure out that tracking systems that share the whereabouts of a person at all times could lead to abuse of knowledge.

People should also question those that are promoting gps global positioning systems and RFID chips.

What are the arguments being given for the usage of this technology and who is giving the arguments publicly?

It is important to question why those pushing for the usage of this technology are doing so. How do they stand to benefit?

The concept of human tracking is not something that is brand new.

There has been a movement afoot since the turn of the century to establish an ID card system in which everyone could be identified through a card that holds data and information about their lives.

Once enough cards have been misplaced or lost, creating an inconvenience to members of society, they will welcome the implantation of this information on their person.

It is all Right there, in One Convenient Package

The chip will house medical, financial, and personal data, and people will view this as a convenience instead of a frightening imposition on their privacy.

In addition to being unconstitutional, the use of the chip creates a system in which humans are constantly monitored, and therefore, under control.

This is the ultimate goal of those in power. Absolute and total control, beginning with the use of gps global positioning technology and RFID chips.

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