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Home Based Education is Best

America Needs Home Based Education to Restore Freedom. School Systems Are Completely Corrupted so Teaching Kids at Home is Necessary to Ensure a Smart Society Survives.

A home based education, once a thing of the past that certain families attempted to do with varying levels of disdain, is becoming more common as parents look for alternatives to public schooling.

Pushing a public school education is the work of elites.

How are students in America able to compete successfully with students from other countries when the average fourth grader in this country is not even close to proficient?

There is definitely something wrong with the public school system in the United States but, as most people might think, it has nothing to do with lack of funding.

Many parents who home school do so because they believe the American school system is educating children according to an outlined structure that tries to put every child into the same rigid molded category.

Education is more than just learning letters and numbers; education is teaching children how to build up knowledge, experiences, and insight.

Children need to be able to understand all of the world, and not just the United States, so that one day they’ll be able to wisely contribute to making improvements.

A good way of assessing whether or not the public school system is benefiting your child is to ask yourself if your child is eager to learn about the world around them and if they are coming home with moral values as they work towards becoming mature adults.

If you feel the public school system is failing your child, a home based education is one alternative you have to ensure they are learning valuable information that will help them to think independently.


The system of public schooling in the United States attempts to avoid accountability for the number of students it turns out who are lacking a full education.

It seems that schools only take into account those opinions that come from funding resources.

And since parents don’t provide direct funding to schools, their opinions are usually ignored.

So what happens when your children’s teachers don’t care about their jobs and do no more than they are required to do to take home a paycheck? Nothing happens.

Parents have found that no matter what they do or say, teachers who have no real interest in the welfare of children aren’t going to change their minds.

Those teachers who fall into this category are protected by the education system. So long as they teach the minimum curriculum requirements they are doing their job.

Of course not all teachers are bad teachers. But your child only needs to be taught by one or two of these types of teachers and the damage will be done.

Children are the ones who aren’t getting what they need and many times they themselves don’t realize this until they enter colleges and universities and discover they can’t keep up with the rest.

It’s many of these students who choose a home based education for their own children.

The Agenda of Politicians

As mentioned, public schools in the United States don’t have to listen to the opinions of parents.

However, schools do listen to the school board and to politicians, each of who has their own political agendas they are trying to enforce.

Teachers and schools are often required to follow educational policies that have been developed not by education experts but by state bureaucracies.

Once these new policies are developed the state taxpayers, including the parents of children attending these schools, pay the costs of putting these polices into action.

Many parents and teachers believe there should be separation of state and school so there is less state influence in the schooling system by state officials who know little or nothing about education.

It wouldn’t be an understatement to say that the agendas of politicians are putting a strain on the educational system in America.

If parents and teachers aren’t given more control over how children are taught in this country more and more parents, with the approval and support of many teachers, will be choosing a home based education for their children.

The NCLB Act

The goal of the No Child Left Behind Act is that no child will remain behind in a failing school system and that by the year 2014 every child in the United States who attends public school will be adept in math and reading skills.

Progress is tracked by annually testing children in grades three to eight, and then once more in high school, to make sure they are meeting performance standards.

And here’s the catch. schools where children don’t meet these standards are penalized by the firing of teachers, extending the school year, or receiving less funding.

What this does is forces schools and teachers to put far too much emphasis on teaching children only what they need to pass those annual tests.

The education that children deserve is put on hold and the NCLB Act takes precedence.

A home based education is becoming the choice of more parents so they can give their children an education based on much more than those standards politicians have decided are good enough for a thorough American education.

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