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Homeland Security Specialist Positions Offer Unmatched Job Security

Homeland Security Specialist Personnel Required to Man Big Brother Surveillance Systems. 

Homeland Security is one of the fastest growing career fields in the American job market today. 

While commercial businesses are laying off employees by the thousands, those workers in the homeland security sector are experiencing perhaps the greatest sense of job security in the nation. 

As the United States tightens its borders and closes in on its own citizens in the name of defense, one might expect to feel as much job security working in this field as the average nurse experiences in the overburdened healthcare industry. 

Why, an individual who is lucky enough to land a position as a homeland security specialist can expect to be part of one of the fastest growing industries in the world! 

The use of security cameras in the United States and especially in the United Kingdom today could be compared to the innovative spy cameras of Big Brother that were detailed so eloquently in George Orwell’s novel, 1984. 

For instance, one can hardly move about downtown Chicago without being followed by an army of cameras. 

Mayor Richard Daley dreams of turning the city of Chicago into a surveillance society with a camera on every street corner. 

The supposed purpose of this multitude of strategically placed security cameras is to keep the citizens of Chicago safe, but at what price? 

Does a government really have the right to indiscriminately film its citizens in public places as they go about the daily business of living their private lives? 

Is the inherent job security of the multitude of homeland security specialist positions that will be required to operate all of those cameras truly worth transforming an individualistic democratic society into a police state where the ordinary citizen must live in fear of being accused of “suspicious behavior?”

Drawing on the Orwellian concept of Permanent War, the United States government’s never ending focus on fighting terrorism at the expense of the citizens’ personal freedoms is constructing an entire industry on a foundation of fear while neglecting the basic human rights of the individual that the nation’s forefathers so eloquently demanded. 

The Big Brother State

IBM/OEMC Develops “Suspicious Behavior” Recognition Software 

With the help of IBM, Chicago’s Office of Emergency Management and Communications (OEMC) is developing software that is capable of recognizing what they refer to as “suspicious behavior”.

Imagine how many new homeland security positions will be required to implement such an extensive surveillance system! 

What Constitutes “Suspicious Behavior?”

In a building climate of fear where American citizens may be assumed guilty until proven innocent, an army of homeland security specialist drones will be required to enforce restrictions on “suspicious behaviors” in which their fellow countrymen may choose to partake. 

But who decides what constitutes suspicious behavior? 

Wake Up America! 

Might the American people one day expect the appearance of an assemblage of Junior Homeland Security Specialists much like the Junior Spies of Orwell’s 1984? 

Or, will the American people come to their senses and put a stop to these persistent violations of their basic human right before it is too late?

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