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Homeschool Programs Keep Children Safe

Consider Homeschool Programs in Light of Degraded Education System. Safety is Only One Concern; Even When Safe, the NWO Schools Are no Place to Learn Truth.

Homeschool programs are the only choice for discerning parents.

Those children who are homeschooled typically achieve much greater academic success, and they’re statistically more likely to attend college and earn a degree.

When kids are dropped off at school now, parents are not worried about the time they are coming home from school but if they will come home safe.

Nearly every day in the news, Americans get another report of violence in the United States public school system causing harm or death to students.

It seems like the trend toward increasing school violence started with the Columbine Massacre on April 20th, 1999.

In the United States alone, an estimated fifty-five million students are enrolled in the school system each year, and nearly six percent of those students have admitted to carrying a weapon to school.

Gone are the days of having to worry about bullying, and the worst you would get in a fight is a black eye.

Students now are more willing to shoot or stab you than they are to hit you.

For these reasons, more and more Americans are choosing homeschool programs to ensure the safety of their children.

With your children being schooled safely at home, you will be with them to make sure that they get the education they are supposed to get and will not have to worry about the mental stability of the children in their classes.

Statistics also show that children that are homeschooled are getting into colleges at higher rates than those that are attending government owned schools.

Furthermore, teaching your children at home will take away the government mind manipulation that many parents feel they are being forced to deal with so that their children can receive an education.

Parents and society no longer need make excuses for the lack of education of American youth, and it is time for parents to take advantage of homeschool programs to turn things around.

Is it a coincidence that students today are learning at a slower pace than they were a few years ago.?

Is this the way for the government to keep the masses ignorant in order for them to continue their plans of making America a police state?

Most parents are having to teach their children when they get home from school anyway because of the inadequate education that is being provided in American schools.

It is time to take the education of your children into your own hands and look into homeschool programs for your children before it is too late.

Bullying, Fighting and Death

Children who attend many public schools today have to go through metal detectors just to get to class. How is this conducive of an education?

Children are having to constantly watch their backs while at school, and thirty percent of students have reported to being bullied at school.

If you are sending your children to school, you are placing them in an environment that can be compared to a war zone where they do not know who their enemies are, or if their friends will turn on them one day and kill them. Schools today are becoming places where mass murder is an easy way out for demented, suicidal individuals.

In the event that your child does not encounter violence in today’s school system, the consequences could be even worse as he or she is subjected to mind-numbing NWO indoctrination programming that is designed to enslave them as working drones for elites.

Such long-term exposure can seriously stunt your childs ability to think and grow as an individual with a free-thinking mind.

Take Action for Your Children’s Sake

It is time to take your children’s education and safety into your control.

Homeschooling is the only true way that you will know that your children are receiving an education, but also that they are safe while they are doing so.

Those parents interested in homeschooling their children have the right to do so. Many Internet sites exist with helpful information about how to do so legally in your area.

Also, numerous homeschool packages are on the market for all ages that you can purchase at reasonable prices to help guide your child through their current grade level.

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