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How Do Patriot Act and Civil Liberties Affect One Another?

The Patriot Act and Civil Liberties Are Two Enemies from the Same Mother!

The United States, as mother, gives birth to the Patriot Act and Civil Liberties, but, unfortunately, they are two enemies that would never see eye to eye when it comes to the issue of Human Rights.

While the Patriot Act came into being to defend the motherland and save Americans from any future terrorist attack, Civil Liberties concentrate on how the necessary respect would be given to everyone as the authorities attempt to carry out the dictates of the Act.

The Patriot Act and Civil Liberties are always at war: the actions of one is always antagonizing that of the other.

Take for example, a suspected terrorist that was arrested by the law enforcement agency and kept in confinement for years without trial, the Patriot Act may support the action of the authority, while the Civil Liberties demand that such a person be accorded fair treatment.

The important issue here is how the two sides see the sacredness of Human Rights: Patriot Act gives unlimited power to the authorities and the president of the United States to undertake any activity they deem appropriate in order to stop the actions of terrorists or terrorist organizations.

This may include freezing the accounts of suspected terrorists, or requesting for the arrest and detention when there little or no evidences to warrant such actions.

Civil Liberties recognize that the security of the United States and its citizens are important, but what require that everything should be done according to laws, the US Constitution and the United Nations Charters or Conventions.

But do the authorities pay necessary attention to the issue of human dignity and respect while they perform their duties?

Avoiding the Extremes

Unlimited power display by the authorities and the president could lead to autocracy, whereby the president would become a dictator and disregard all other laws and statutes concerning Human Rights. 

This call for proactive action from the people against any unlawful act, even though it is disguise as a necessary one to safeguard our country.

And this is where the Civil Liberties come in, with the rights‚Äô organizations requesting that the authorities observe the laws and do the right thing. 

Your Contributions

You can change the world in which you live: You don’t have to become the president of the United States before instituting the right corrective measures to some practices you hate in this country.

The conflict between the Patriot Act and Civil Liberties is real; and it demands critical approach before you can completely understand it. 

It is only what you fully understood that you could aspire to correct its abnormality. 

But keeping silent may be the worst decision anyone could make about this burning issue!

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